Are all Dolphins guilty?

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To my testimony:

My name is Rambles and I’m a fish. Specifically, a cleaner fish and live in reef 2, cluster 5, hole 14a.

My whole life I have done nothing else than cleaning other fish – like my father and grandfather before me. I literally cannot do anything else.


It’s good money

and my wife

and my 9 children

have something to eat on their table… . You know … you just do it to get around financially, even if you have to do the nasty stuff… .

It hits even harder, whenever fish refuse to pay, just because @Joe D. Olphin OVER THERE is never happy with how I handle his blow-hole!

His gang generally doesn't pay me!

They are almost always high on puffer fish and when they are, they start rioting around the reef:
- They give the turtles speed,
- they eat sea-dust and yesterday @Joe D. Olphin stuffed a sea cucumber into my home.

… it defecated and died there …