I kinda hope Megumi doesn’t just give Maki the title. It would be anticlimactic for her to just get it because Megumi didn’t want it. I want her to earn it, after she gets out of this life or death situation.
I don’t think I’ve ever flipped on a character so quickly as I did with Naoya. I was like “damn this character looks cool... nevermind”. I will say this: the Zenin clan has some of the coldest designs in this series. Every one looks like a problem, and if these guys are on a similar level to Naobito, they’re gonna pop off. I’ve said before that the Zenin clan has potential to be one of the coldest families in anime/manga (Megumi, Toji, Maki & even Naobito despite his limited scene time have all been shown to be killers). Mai is the one exception, but she has potential for the future. Hopefully, these guys don’t end up being punks.
I love that Yuji is keeping the scars he got from Mahito. I hope that Sukuna doesn’t end up healing those in the future. I also love him and Choso as a duo. Whatever Yuji did to Choso fucked up his brain hard. Calls the murder of his brothers a “misunderstanding” Jesus.