[FNZ] Role Madness Kaguya-sama: Love is Mafia!

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What could have been...
There are like 8 hours left and nobody here said anything of value from what I see. 5/6 of the 48 hours period being wasted

Such a shame
Someone who could give us leads
Here's the problem

She is more valuable to us if she's town than you
@Juliet is probably one of the few here Who I think never had a complete Clown moment as town
so midnight how is this a waste if we don't know juliet's alignment
ur reeking of tmi rn

seems like u already got the game solved


What could have been...
The wagon on me looks sus. I iso T-Pein and I noticed he voted Flower and said he wanted to get rid of Flower asap for scummy and distracting, few posts later he said, "Who are we lynching today" which looked weird to me because earlier he said he wanted to lynch Flower and where did the read go? There was no progression and then he votes me saying he has no reasoning. That's a scummy iso he has.

I didn't like how Drago said I was trying to get on Ekko's good side when I was the one who was responding to him figuring out if I was talking to scum or town and he didn't even bother on asking me when did I start to lean town. Part of me still doubts my read on Ekko since I recently iso his posts from The Big Three Mafia game and some of his posts he said there reminded me on what he said here.
if u had time to iso me on another game u shud have time to iso me here first and reply to everything


What could have been...
whats current vote count?

off top of my head

drago, me, tpein, conq, fuji are voting juliet
anyone else?

@Dragoban is juliet worst than fuji for u? u realize u r on a wagon that fuji is voting on right?


What could have been...
juliet - 5
fuji - 1

juliet's wagon:
me - town
drago - leaning scum now
tpein - leaning town
conq - leaning town? closer to null
fuji - the counter wagon to juliet. seems content with lynch going away from him

kagura - scum read juliet but never voted her for some reason
midnight - seems to have tmi that juliet is town but does not provide alternatives


What could have been...
@Kagura wud be nice if u stop ignoring questions and actually play with us. are u busy or what?
why are u not voting anyone, nor commenting on flower's alignment?


What could have been...
can someone look at drago's play and tell me how is this towny

the guy says he only votes to lynch but his voting pattern has been absolute joke rn. he didnt push any of the wagons he voted for either. nor even defended his suses

> voted ryu, but easily moved off to fuji without ryu saying anything. basically 0 conviction behind that read
> he then now moved on to juliet instead of try and convince us to lynch fuji. again 0 conviction behind that read

this is one of the worst day phase 1s i've ever played
i sense lack of towniness from everyone

i usually have lots of town reads day 1. this time i almost have none

what exactly is happening guys? can we rly play the game


✨More Than A Game ╰(°▽°)╯✨
@Kagura can u tell me what u think of flower's alignment?

im thinking one of u 2 might be scum, leaning her
Gotta be careful with these things. Don’t want to be modkilled.

But the thing is my role is absolutely and 100% town. Judging by mine I’m absolutely sure that she should be town as well since we are connected.


What could have been...
Gotta be careful with these things. Don’t want to be modkilled.

But the thing is my role is absolutely and 100% town. Judging by mine I’m absolutely sure that she should be town as well since we are connected.
thats enough of an answer, it shudn't get u modkilled

she seemed confident u r town as well

did u get a chance to read the whoel game?


The Rogue Prince
> he then now moved on to juliet instead of try and convince us to lynch fuji. again 0 conviction behind that read
i think ur question to drago is valid about ryu, but i dont think it applies to fuji.

fuji basically claimed an action and said he can prove himself. pretty much everyone who sus'd him basically left him for the next dp.


✨More Than A Game ╰(°▽°)╯✨
thats enough of an answer, it shudn't get u modkilled

she seemed confident u r town as well

did u get a chance to read the whoel game?
Nope. I haven’t read enough to give reads - especially Fuji and Drago’s posts, but I did ISO Juliet and Conqi a bit and both of them seem fishy to me.


What could have been...
this kinda sux big time if juliet is just a busy townie and not a scum playing hit and run gameplay

i have no way of telling which one is she rn
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