General & Others Kaido greatest army in the world false hype by Oda yet again for the thousandth time


Zoro Worshipper
So if Queen gets defeated by Sanji in one chapter, does that means Queen is weak? No. Sanji is just strong. The Tobi Roppo are not jobbers. The Strawhats are being underestimated in general.
In general it's likely that he won't because so far the fight already lasted several chapters and I guess Queen has yet to unravel the most of his Hybrid form.
My main issue with the Tobbi robbo is how weak and pathetic Ulti and Page One made Nami and Usopp look. They spent most of the time running around scared out of their minds. Then Tama and Big Mom played a huge factor during their fights. Are the weakling trio that far behind Robin, Franky, and Jinbei?
Here's the thing, aside from Sasaki, the others didn't fight dinosaurs. The dinosaurs had incredibly hard scales protecting them. Hell, even Franky had to exploit Sasaki's weak point to win over and over and over again. His main attacks didn't penetrate the scales. Plus, Robin got beaten badly. Butt unlike Nami, she's a physical fighter. Nami and Ussop are ranged combatants. Come to their face and they can't do jack.
Here's the thing, aside from Sasaki, the others didn't fight dinosaurs. The dinosaurs had incredibly hard scales protecting them. Hell, even Franky had to exploit Sasaki's weak point to win over and over and over again. His main attacks didn't penetrate the scales. Plus, Robin got beaten badly. Butt unlike Nami, she's a physical fighter. Nami and Ussop are ranged combatants. Come to their face and they can't do jack.
Those are all true points. If I am honest, I didn't like the Ulti and Page 1 fights because Tama was there. I know she's a fiction 8 year old, but her role in the war just bothered me.
Okay and your point exactly? Like are y’all idiots? Just because it started ten chapters ago doesn’t mean they were fighting for ten chapters.
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And yet those 20k member got defeated by a little girl Tama.
Wtf what were they doing staring at each other. We literally got glimpses of them with damage and doing attacks
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nope, I be happy if Oda never over hyped them and wasted unnecessary chapter time on them. If they were this weak there should have been no reason to have overhyped them and give them six chapters of their defeat, plus all the other panel time overhyping them. We wasted what six chapters in a row now on fodder Tobi robbo who served absolutely no purpose to the story.
How were they fodder? Ulti and Page 1 got destroyed by Yonkou. WW got beaten by a Warlord. Franky who has been 4th strongest for a minute beat Sasaki. Like make sense
My main issue with the Tobbi robbo is how weak and pathetic Ulti and Page One made Nami and Usopp look. They spent most of the time running around scared out of their minds. Then Tama and Big Mom played a huge factor during their fights. Are the weakling trio that far behind Robin, Franky, and Jinbei?
But that is the point though. If Oda is going to hype up the tobbi robbo giving them Zoan devil druits and Haki then of course they are suppose to make Nami and Usopp look weak. That is what is expected. That is the only plausible situation that can happen. You can't just hype characters up giving them Haki and Zoans and then having Nami and Usopp beat them. That is fairy tail type power scaling. And yes Nami and Usopp are pathetic, that is what happens when you completely ignore characters for a decade but at the same time stroking off to a single character giving him every imaginable power up there is.
But that is the point though. If Oda is going to hype up the tobbi robbo giving them Zoan devil druits and Haki then of course they are suppose to make Nami and Usopp look weak. That is what is expected. That is the only plausible situation that can happen. You can't just hype characters up giving them Haki and Zoans and then having Nami and Usopp beat them. That is fairy tail type power scaling. And yes Nami and Usopp are pathetic, that is what happens when you completely ignore characters for a decade but at the same time stroking off to a single character giving him every imaginable power up there is.
Oda definitely likes his long form story telling and world building. Sometimes I feel like the SHs were sidelined for the sake of world building, and now it seems like Oda is trying to rush their development at times.
Kaido wanted to build the greatest army in the world in order to fight the greatest war. And yet his top fighters Tobi Robbo are going down in less than a chapter each: Ulti, Page1, Sasaki, Who’s Who, and most likely Black Maria is going to go down in less than a chapter too. Oda continues with the false hype. Tobi robbo have been nothing short of filler characters serving absolutely no point in the story other than extending it.
Do you actually want ten chapters each?
Wtf does that even mean?
I didn’t stutter. You are bitching about Tobi Roppo fights being too short (1-2 chapters). Then you are bitching about Kaidos army is a joke.

So do you want Ten Chapters each from each of the Factions?

Let me spell it out for you since you have difficulty comprehending basic sentence structure.

Do you want 10 chapters each for Headliners, Waiters, Pleasurers, Gifters, Numbers, Tobi Roppo, Apoo, Hawkins, Calamities?

Do you want 90 Chapters of fights so that you can ease your pain of kaidos army not being enough of a Challenge?
I didn’t stutter. You are bitching about Tobi Roppo fights being too short (1-2 chapters). Then you are bitching about Kaidos army is a joke.

So do you want Ten Chapters each from each of the Factions?

Let me spell it out for you since you have difficulty comprehending basic sentence structure.

Do you want 10 chapters each for Headliners, Waiters, Pleasurers, Gifters, Numbers, Tobi Roppo, Apoo, Hawkins, Calamities?

Do you want 90 Chapters of fights so that you can ease your pain of kaidos army not being enough of a Challenge?
You need to learn how to read. First of all I never "bitched about Tobi Roppo fights being too short". What I "bitched" about was that "Oda overhyped them to only have them being low diff". There is a huge difference between the two. Learn how to read.

Second, no I don't want 10 chapters. Instead I want Oda to focus on important events instead of filler content, literally wasting chapter after chapter on Momo and Yamato running around doing absolutely nothing. Four chapters of Luffy running up the stairs. Filler chapters of the Scabbards getting defeated to getting back up to getting defeated again. Filler chapter after filler chapter of fodder content.

What what you are essentially saying is that you don't want 10 chapters devoted to Tobi Roppo however you are perfectly fine with having 10 chapter devoted to filler content.
I didn’t stutter. You are bitching about Tobi Roppo fights being too short (1-2 chapters). Then you are bitching about Kaidos army is a joke.

So do you want Ten Chapters each from each of the Factions?

Let me spell it out for you since you have difficulty comprehending basic sentence structure.

Do you want 10 chapters each for Headliners, Waiters, Pleasurers, Gifters, Numbers, Tobi Roppo, Apoo, Hawkins, Calamities?

Do you want 90 Chapters of fights so that you can ease your pain of kaidos army not being enough of a Challenge?

"Fight chapter count" is not the problem. It could be any length from 1 chapter to 10 chapters. The problem is the content of these fights and the excessive useless filler content that unnecessarily drag/extend the arc

It's just so lazily written. And make no mistakes, most of the complaint I, and other people, have about Post-Time Skip One Piece, were also present in the Pre-Time Skip.

The difference between Pre and Post time skip, is just that everything is so lazily written (and a caricature of itself) that it's extremely hard to suspend your disbelief.

Pre-Time skip, even though I, and other people, complained during it, at least had "something" about it that made these problems not as glaring...

Post-Time skip has just gone full on "fuck it, they'll still gobble this shit up anyways"

Lazy writing and excessive filler to extend the series.

I realized that this is another stupid fight(The whole fight is drawn beautifully, this is indisputable.).

During the entire fight, Robin never grew her hands on Maria's body, which she always did against her opponents. Wouldn't it be easier for her to catch and break her limbs that way? 1 big srike

And Maria? She immobilizes Robin's giant form and goes to beat her, running over Robin herself, although her goal is to catch her. 1 strike

And when Robin finally got into the net, she does not neutralize her, like Sanji, but begins to beat her, mocking her. 2 stike

Well, okay, Robin has freed herself, and is using her strongest form, but why was Maria scared? After all, recently she beat almost the same form with her fists, mocking her? Because of the horns, wings, and shadows? 3 strike

She makes herself easy to catch, although just a couple of pages from the same captures she defended herself with a web, laughing. 4 strike

It's not even funny. Oda makes both fighters look like fools, and if this is the norm with opponents, then with Robin I did not understand why he did this.

Ah, yes

Sanji: Really, Oda? Why you hate me so much?

"Fight chapter count" is not the problem. It could be any length from 1 chapter to 10 chapters. The problem is the content of these fights and the excessive useless filler content that unnecessarily drag/extend the arc

It's just so lazily written. And make no mistakes, most of the complaint I, and other people, have about Post-Time Skip One Piece, were also present in the Pre-Time Skip.

The difference between Pre and Post time skip, is just that everything is so lazily written (and a caricature of itself) that it's extremely hard to suspend your disbelief.

Pre-Time skip, even though I, and other people, complained during it, at least had "something" about it that made these problems not as glaring...

Post-Time skip has just gone full on "fuck it, they'll still gobble this shit up anyways"

Lazy writing and excessive filler to extend the series.
We already knew post timeskip is shit. Repeating it every chapter isn’t going to change anything. Showing proof that the content has dipped in quality isn’t gonna do anything. If ppl hate it so much, just leave :milaugh::kayneshrug:
They only beat 3 of the Tobi Roppo lol. The fact that they had Drake switch sides and Big Mom had to defeat Page 1 and 90 percent of Ulti should tell you it was plot that beat them. Remember Franky one shotted a Number which is comparable to Oars Jr that the marines had a hard time with lol
We already knew post timeskip is shit. Repeating it every chapter isn’t going to change anything. Showing proof that the content has dipped in quality isn’t gonna do anything. If ppl hate it so much, just leave :milaugh::kayneshrug:
You really just drop everything every time you don’t like it? What’s the point?

If I just loved everything about the show, then I wouldn’t go on on a forum to talk about it because there would be nothing to talk about.

Because a lot of people on this forum have been deflecting criticism by casting aspersions against the artists themselves. "It's GODA, how can you say it's bad." People should wish for the success of the story, but not at the expense of the quality of the story.