Powers & Abilities Kaido not even trying


Sasaki Kojirō

This is what we already saw from GOD TIER characters like roger,wb clashing with each other. both using Conqueror Haki + Advance Armant haki(Ryoru)

This is what we already saw from some Top Tier Character and Luffy
Luffy using Conqueror haki + Advance Armant haki(Ryoru) meanwhile Kaido is not even using Armant Haki. this is completly different from roger vs WB thing,Luffys conq haki fist clashing with still just kaidos weapon. this is make sense why kaido still laughing at luffy.

bigmom used conq haki + Ryoru against Page 1 but she didnt use it agains kid, kaido still not used conq haki + Ryoru. i wonder what will happen when he uses that.

dont even think about saying yonko dont know about how to use Ryoru+conq haki lol. bigmom/luffy using same shit even kaido can do it. this yonko mfs still playing with foods. so thats whhy Yamoto heading for Rooftop

If its 1v1 always bet on Kaido - Echiro Oda
The strongest of all time.
BM and Kaido doesn't know Adv CoA. That's why Kaido was wondering if Scabbards used Oden's Haki (aka CoC), but that Haki of theirs was "too shallow", same with Luffy Adv CoA and so he needed something better, CoC.

But yes, Kaido is still not serious.
Clash with BM -> split the sky
Clash with Luffy -> no split the sky

kAiDo AnD bIg MoM dOn‘T kNoW AdvCoA
"Not trying" for 30 minutes, while using adv CoC causing sky splitting yonko clashes.

Kaido didn't use his trump cards, because it was an offscreen fight, but neither did Luffy for the same reason.
Not using trump cards is not the same as classing this as a low or mid diff fight for Kaido or something, this took 30 minutes and left him huffing.
"Not trying" for 30 minutes, while using adv CoC causing sky splitting yonko clashes.

Kaido didn't use his trump cards, because it was an offscreen fight, but neither did Luffy for the same reason.
Not using trump cards is not the same as classing this as a low or mid diff fight for Kaido or something, this took 30 minutes and left him huffing.
He was huffing after attacking Law and Zoro with thunder bagua too + took countless attacks from the supernova what did you expect? not to mention he is lifting an island he literally called Luffy a brat and he is disappointed which shows Luffy didn't do much to him and Yamato is on her way
He was huffing after attacking Law and Zoro with thunder bagua too + took countless attacks from the supernova what did you expect? not to mention he is lifting an island he literally called Luffy a brat and he is disappointed which shows Luffy didn't do much to him and Yamato is on her way
His fruit is lifting the island passively, trying to bring that up as a reason for huffing is sad.

Kaido is being hypocritical and scatterbrained, he at one point is dismissive that Luffy would be able to learn adv CoC.

Then shocked when he can, and then despite only being 19 and just learning the technique causes yonko sky splitting clashes with someone 30 years older than him who is boosting himself with his overpowered zoan against his base, fighting him for 30 minutes, got Kaido over-excited and now he is disappointed again, after Luffy already well exceeded his expectations on 2 separate occasions. :choppawhat: Kaido you got issues son.