General & Others "Kaido was defeated 7 times, captured 18"

That begs the question, does Oda even have Kaido's backstory planned out at all? Oda decided to randomly give Kaido a daughter 100 chapters into Wano with no development. I don't think Oda even knows what he meant by "Kaido was defeated 7 times, captured 18". Looks like it was just created to add more hype to Kaido than anything else.
I legit never got what was supposed to be hype about hearing "this guy got his ass whopped 7 times, and was caught 18 times" in the context of the story. Makes for a nice bit of theory crafting in the community who it was that defeated him, sure, but as a hype tool for the guy that shortly after this announcement is billed as the world's strongest creature it's just really weird lore.

Its not even like we should be impressed that he survived all those times either. We now know Kaido alongside King were a lab rats of the WG. That's why Kaido has yet to be killed by them. He likely is too useful due to begin special. We know for a fact that if they REALLY wanted to get rid of Kaido unless he is literally completely immortal (which as of now I would not assume since he just seems to be stupid tough) there are several ways to get rid of him that were deliberately not done.

You would for example assume if the Navy or Government REALLY wished him dead, they would have just force fed him another fruit. They had enough fruits lying around that somebody like Spandam got two of the damn things, so they ought to have enough for a job like killing Kaido if they really wanted too.
I legit never got what was supposed to be hype about hearing "this guy got his ass whopped 7 times, and was caught 18 times" in the context of the story. Makes for a nice bit of theory crafting in the community who it was that defeated him, sure, but as a hype tool for the guy that shortly after this announcement is billed as the world's strongest creature it's just really weird lore.

Its not even like we should be impressed that he survived all those times either. We now know Kaido alongside King were a lab rats of the WG. That's why Kaido has yet to be killed by them. He likely is too useful due to begin special. We know for a fact that if they REALLY wanted to get rid of Kaido unless he is literally completely immortal (which as of now I would not assume since he just seems to be stupid tough) there are several ways to get rid of him that were deliberately not done.

You would for example assume if the Navy or Government REALLY wished him dead, they would have just force fed him another fruit. They had enough fruits lying around that somebody like Spandam got two of the damn things, so they ought to have enough for a job like killing Kaido if they really wanted too.
Kaido is like sixty with seven losses. Luffy has four from this arc alone lol
That begs the question, does Oda even have Kaido's backstory planned out at all? Oda decided to randomly give Kaido a daughter 100 chapters into Wano with no development. I don't think Oda even knows what he meant by "Kaido was defeated 7 times, captured 18". Looks like it was just created to add more hype to Kaido than anything else.
And I was right like always. Someone give me a high five?
Oda confirmed he was trolling with this statement in the Kaidou flashback where Kaidou was doing it for food.
In any case, once Kaidou reached the height of his power in Wano he was undefeated. (otherwise his organisation would have collapsed and the Wano citizens freed).
And we never had an explainatuon how he escaped death each time. Just because he was too strong and tough ? It didn’t seem so at first. It seemed something else happened like some mystic power that forbade him to die.

too bad this won’t ever to touch again
yeah for me most interesting and hype thing about him was why he can't die in chapter we learned he was defeated captured and was wounded (we saw that huge scar) but why he couldn't die was biggest thing
i hope we get answer for it in future although its highly unlikely at this point
And we never had an explainatuon how he escaped death each time. Just because he was too strong and tough ? It didn’t seem so at first. It seemed something else happened like some mystic power that forbade him to die.

too bad this won’t ever to touch again
The answer all along was he did not meet the child of prophecy and/or he did not drown himself in lava. This is peak fiction! :emohiyo:
Remember what Kubo (Bleach writer) said years ago? He admitted that he made the story up along the way. Oda is the same but larps as this genius who thought about everything decades ago. He didnt.