Questions & Mysteries Kaido's 7 losses

and I think he was losing to Oden as well, but that was before the event 20 years ago. Maybe 30-35 years ago.
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Big Mom
Shanks? can u elaborate when that might happened? before Marineford? cause aint no way they clashed decades ago, and even if they did, doubt rookie Shanks won it. Shanks was only able to reach emperor class 6 years ago, at age 33.
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Yes I feel Kizaru had lots of interactions with him in the past. After what he said to Akainu
I do think the same since shanks and Kaido are from same generation they must became yonko around the same time so I see shanks having interaction with Akainu and Kaido with Kizaru that could be great actually we need some marines to get hyped
I do think the same since shanks and Kaido are from same generation they must became yonko around the same time so I see shanks having interaction with Akainu and Kaido with Kizaru that could be great actually we need some marines to get hyped
i highly doubt Kaido became known as an emperor around 6+ years ago. For all we know, he might be recognized after he successfully conquered Wano 20 years ago.
Novel Ace Vol 2 didn't state that Shanks and Kaido came from same generation, but from younger generation than WB and BM. And this is valid because 38 years ago, Kaido was only starting his career as an apprentice, while WB n Mama already were top pirates in the Rocks. Shanks was an infant back then. I think Kaido is in the same generation as Dragon, Akainu, Moria, Kizaru, Aokiji. While Shanks is with Mihawk, Croco, and Marco. Not saying that age is the only factor, but Kaido did in fact started his career around a decade or so before Shanks.
We know that he and BM didn't see each other for decades or haven't been in same place for decades.
So his L probably came prior 20 years ago.
It will explain why he became WSC and people started crowing as 1 vs 1 champ
In Ace Novels people even go far to debate who is superior between him and WB.

I believe Kaido 7 Ls came when he was a rookie
*His big L was against some people or someone strong in which BM saved him (the debt)
This either happened prior Rocks or shortly after Rocks disband.
* Most of his Ls came from Xebec whom kaido challenged , this is how He joined Xebec crew.
We saw how Ace, Moriah, Croco, Supernova all went for the Big pirates
So it makes sense he was challenging them
* his other L came from WB Shiki BM
As crewmates , He challenged them and Lost.

What do you guys think?
Even in movies or fillers... we see how bullet challenged Roger many times...fouhh Raleigh

Oda likes doing this thing a lot.
If he joined Xebec through some kind of Davy Back style challenge or whatever, then that is one loss accounted for. A second is from when the Rox were defeated, this would by default imply Kaido was also defeated. That's two accounted for. As for the other 5, I expect that at least one was against Whitebeard (given Kaido's grudge against him) - whether this is post-Rox defeat or pre-Rox defeat we don't know.

If there are any others (depends how many times he lost to Newgate), I would suspect there's a low but possible chance he lost to Shanks pre-skip - I personally doubt it but some people love to believe that instead of negotiating, Shanks overpowered Kaido. Then I expect the rest of his defeats came at the hands of guys like Garp, Sengoku, Admirals etc.
Shanks? can u elaborate when that might happened? before Marineford? cause aint no way they clashed decades ago, and even if they did, doubt rookie Shanks won it. Shanks was only able to reach emperor class 6 years ago, at age 33.
Probably, Shanks began to consider Yonko after his victory over Kaido and his team, but it all sounds not very convincing, I agree. He's probably not one of the seven.
i highly doubt Kaido became known as an emperor around 6+ years ago. For all we know, he might be recognized after he successfully conquered Wano 20 years ago.
Novel Ace Vol 2 didn't state that Shanks and Kaido came from same generation, but from younger generation than WB and BM. And this is valid because 38 years ago, Kaido was only starting his career as an apprentice, while WB n Mama already were top pirates in the Rocks. Shanks was an infant back then. I think Kaido is in the same generation as Dragon, Akainu, Moria, Kizaru, Aokiji. While Shanks is with Mihawk, Croco, and Marco. Not saying that age is the only factor, but Kaido did in fact started his career around a decade or so before Shanks.
Are the same generation tho wb and bm being the only ones recognised at that level and then cane Kaido that I believe he became yonko around 10 years ago shanks 6 so actually as yonko are the new ones .

plus mihawk shouldn’t consider the same way as shanks cuz mihawk was known before shanks made his crew I’ll agree tho that shanks was as a supernova with croco but shanks succeed plus at that time Akainu Kizaru aokiji weren’t admirals yet so I see them being in new world fighting them.

Plus if we check the timeline from what we know make sense for Kaido to be recognised as yonko 10 years ago cuz taking over Wano was the first step then he needed army and territories and he is known as 100 beast Kaido with zoan army so he must became one when was getting smiles from doffy and his army grew a lot and here come the youngest generation cuz they got recognised in the last 10 years and that’s around when all sichibukai cane together

sorry about the bad typing here but I’m at work abd I rashed it we can discuss this in detail if you want tho another time
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Well Roger was 40 years old the same as Garp as Garp who was 40 years old
Whitebeard was 36 years old
Linlin was 30 years old
Kaido was prob between 10-16
Shiki was around Wb/Roger age

so aside Kaido most top figures were already past beyond 30 I think most of them were top pirates
thats why Garp and Roger teamed up I dont think it was just thosw two Roger had ray and scooper prob and Garp had a fleed of marines at his back it was to protect the celestials so admirals were prob also included in such a important mission even cipher pol


i highly doubt Kaido became known as an emperor around 6+ years ago. For all we know, he might be recognized after he successfully conquered Wano 20 years ago.
Novel Ace Vol 2 didn't state that Shanks and Kaido came from same generation, but from younger generation than WB and BM. And this is valid because 38 years ago, Kaido was only starting his career as an apprentice, while WB n Mama already were top pirates in the Rocks. Shanks was an infant back then. I think Kaido is in the same generation as Dragon, Akainu, Moria, Kizaru, Aokiji. While Shanks is with Mihawk, Croco, and Marco. Not saying that age is the only factor, but Kaido did in fact started his career around a decade or so before Shanks.
Akainu dragon kaido Shamks Mihawk are all in middle Generation
It doesn't matter if Kaido started his big run a decade before Shanks. We could deduct kaido became a big name 15-18 years after Golden era ended. Coz Seizeing wano seems like one of his biggest accomplishments.

We know Brook is from an older generation than Roger and co
Since roger was a mere rookie when Brook was alive.

They can exceptions like worstgen who are 40s or 30s yet from luffy Generation coz they started their solo and big run only 2 years ago.

Brook Era lasted probably 10-15 years (roger was a rookie 50 years ago)
Rocks era lasted probably 10-15 years
Golden or "Roger" Era lasted 14 years (till roger death)
"WB" Era lasted 22 years (till wb death)
Worst Gen era started 2 years ago

* Brook generation/Rocks Era
Had big names as Kong /Streussen/Xebec
* almost everyone in Golden era is around 60-79 y.o
Roger Garp WB shiki BM Sengoku Tsuru Zephyr...
* most Middile Gen are 30+ , they all around 30-59 y.o: Akainu Kaido Dragon Doffy Moriah Hancock Shanks Mihawk...
*worst gen fighters are 18+ ,most are in 20s


Zoro Worshipper
If Kaido lost a 1 v 1 it would be only from currently dead people, because if someone alive defeated Kaido the bet of 1 vs 1 would be on him.
He is WSC but it is currently uncertain whether or not Oda included humans or considered creatures as non humans. Anyway the fact he is probably going down soon doesnt help him much either.