Future Events Kid may be back in history but it's over for him as a pirate he's not in the running for One Piece.


𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐢
Aye man. Not every one has the luck and plot armor of Pirate Jesus with the Strawhat. He’s a dumb ass that’ll keep pushing forward, and he’ll keep paying for the consequences (unlike Pirate Jesus). Hopefully it will pay off. That’s all Kidd fans can hope for :risitasad:
Sorry man but I'm tired of listening to bs such as "Oda did us dirty". It's your fault for expecting a side character to shine above one of Oda's favorite characters and in fact probably his number 1.

It's like gassing Bakugo to surpass/equal full OFA Deku.

It doesn't work like that my man.
I can only see him coming back to assist in the war against the WG. I don't think he'll do anything substantial after that loss. Unless something changes drastically when it comes to his Haki proficiency he'll never even reach the heights of an emperor.
Kid may be back in history ?
=> I think we need options
  1. Kid becomes a Crocodile (non-CD doffy)
  2. Kid becomes a Moria
  3. Kid becomes a Douglas Bullet with Killer as Buena Festa
  4. Kid becomes a Kaido, tries to recruit strong pirates
  5. Kid becomes Underground Broker
  6. Kid becomes non-significant fodder
But, i pick the best. It is his death news
The Pirateking thing might not be on his mind right now.
Kid: Dream? I don't have a dream, only a goal, to kill a certain someone.

He can't defeat Shanks now. But there is someone who can. Blackbeard. Kid will aid him as much as he can. Form an alliance and defeat Kuzan when he betrays Blackbeard.