Powers & Abilities King Of Hell = Gear 4th but with Conqueror's Haki


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It's pulling CoA and then magically switching all this to AdCoC.. Completely looney toon explanation of KoH..

You're confusing when Enma wasn't stable with now Zoro has it stabilized..

The purple Smoke was a mix of Green Smoke and Black Lightning..

Enma gave Zoro a new way to manipulate Haki and use it on his other Swords..

He can use Black Lightning alone or with Enma's soul..
Absolute nonsense. You're new. and thought up some new capable ones. 1 Koh=Acoc+acoa together. 2 No soul Enma (what nonsense, lol). 3 Enma did not give any new way to manipulate hacks. All that was in the manga was enma pulling the extra ryuo and "teaching" Zoro not to hold back. After Zoro stopped restraining the hacks, he started (on his own) giving a large amount of acoc+acoa to all swords. Enma is no longer required for this, she has completed the task (to teach).
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Zoro still needs to prove to be above Sanji.

His swords will break if they hit Sanji.
Why should top 1 hakiman and damager mugivar Zoro prove something to number 4?
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That's not a point.. It's fan fiction..
Fan fiction is your story about Ashura from sandai kitetsu. And the soul of enme = smoke about other nonsense. And in the manga, Zoro has the top 1 acoc from the shown + top th acoa. As for the damag he > Nick :kayneshrug:
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