Yes of course
Perfect! You're the ideal candidate natually!

Honestly with how brilliant a character Queen is and how wild Kaido is too, it makes me really wish they were the MCs too along with BM and her crew I've enjoyed both crews so much and miss them now lol. The amount of memes we've gotten due to both are PRICELESS and made them all the more enjoyable and memorable too!
I really don't think we're gonna get those same kind of moments and such with Shanks and Blackbeards crews but at least with Cross Guild and Buggy for sure? I've always wanked Shanks the most and been a massive fanboy of his from day 1 and having him as my favourite Yonko followed by Whitebeard 2nd but these days I unironically prefer Kaido and Big Mom genuinely tbh.
WCI and Onigashima were such awesome environments and I loved the vibes and style each of them had for various reasons. I never expected Kaidos commanders to be so weird and funny too lol. But thats One Piece/Oda for you too ofc!
I really hope Oda is not done with them in the story, as in in the present especially but sure we should see more of them with Rocks at least in future? They deserve that much at least? Theres so much more I need and want to see from Kaido himself alone too especially as well as Onigashima and Onis, I pray Oda will deliver for us sooner or later and thus actually will at some point! I have a vain hope Onis originate and associate with Elbaf too. Or at least somewhere else in the New World surely...