He never overpowered Zoro in the first set of panels. If anything he was on the backfoot especially in the "second coming of Ryuma" panel.
Sending Zoro flying isn't enough? In Luffy vs Katakuri and Luffy vs Kaido - Luffy felt pain in his arms because it is his body lol. Swords are not going to feel pain lmao. Zoro was sent crashing through a rock - pretty sure he felt pain there lol. And in that instance he used his CoA hardening. You wanna chalk it all to coincidence?
P.S. In all of the clashes Zoro has been in the Post TS, only King has sent him flying - especially in a Sword duel.
Sending Zoro flying isn't enough? In Luffy vs Katakuri and Luffy vs Kaido - Luffy felt pain in his arms because it is his body lol. Swords are not going to feel pain lmao. Zoro was sent crashing through a rock - pretty sure he felt pain there lol. And in that instance he used his CoA hardening. You wanna chalk it all to coincidence?
P.S. In all of the clashes Zoro has been in the Post TS, only King has sent him flying - especially in a Sword duel.
how os sending someone flying an indicator for better haki, of course the swords shouldn't feel pain but we almost didnt see haki clashes with swords that were not equal, probably with zoro vs mihawk you will see it that if a persons haki is stronger he is hurting them through his haki, luffy used ryu vs bigmom on udon yet set flying when she didn't use haki , being thrown away is not an indicator of better haki dude.