Rules Kingdom General Discussion

Renpa is the most generic great general in this manga. When I first laid eyes on him I thought Hara plagiarized Garp. In this day and age I know Hara could never plagiarize Lolda but Renpa comes off as a copy-paste battle hungry general from any other manga.
Buffed Old man looks like buffed old man :shocked:
Copied, generic

Shibashou is one of the only Kingdom characters who’s design is actually based on something
Yeah Riboku

What even is Renpa? A generic Garp clone with fiery hair? Lol
Other than being old men what does even Garp have to do with Renpa?
If Garp was active, had a motivation and wasn't a fucking disgrace, left the world government for another faction to continue doing his thing then maybe you could compare them.
What even is an interesting quirk lmfao. Let me guess, Renpa’s “interesting quirks” were plagiarized from other manga already? Lol
Not everything is plagiarism
Battle hungry mfer exist so using them in a battle manga is expected
"Wait they have a detective in a crime show?
Stop plagiarizing Sherlock"
Renpa being so battle loving that he keeps defecting to other states to have a chance at fighting is fucking hilarious

Being a Renpa fan is a classic sign of having the IQ of a wounded gnat. It screams “Hara is at his best when he’s plagiarizing other mangaka”. You actually have to be a headwound victim to enjoy Renpa.
Atleast there is something to like
Whether it's his arrogance, humor, badass moments and design anyone with a brain would take that over a blank femboy.

Go write a couple more threads about how deep it is that gay Riboku likes peace and has a horse on his chest.
There's nothing wrong with liking or disliking Shibashou, since it's a matter of taste.

But saying he doesn't have any philosophy or interesting dialog is disingenuous. His debate about the nature of war with Riboku and his desire to create independent neutral city-state at least shown he has his own perspective and is not Riboku 2.0.

Unfortunately Hara didn't give him enough screentime, but I'm sure over time his worldview will be properly fleshed out.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Buffed Old man looks like buffed old man
Exactly, there is nothing to Renpa’s design. He is a buffed old man in generic ass armor, there is nothing else to him. He looks generic because he is generic.

Shibashou’s design is meant to symbolize the mythological creature he represents, which is meant to better illustrate Shibashou’s place and roll in the manga.

“BuFf OlD mAn LoOkS lIkE bUfF oLd MaN”

Battle hungry mfer exist so using them in a battle manga is expected
Exactly, Renpa is exactly what you’d expect. There’s nothing special or unexpected about him. He’s just a boric, generic, expected old battle hungry man with nothing else to his character. There is nothing interesting about Renpa that isn’t also interesting about other characters in his own series. Lol

Atleast there is something to like
Whether it's his arrogance, humor, badass moments and design anyone with a brain would take that over a blank femboy.
It’s like saying you enjoy Taylor Swift’s music, because “it may be soulless and plagiarizes other music, but at least there’s something there to like”

Liking Renpa is like enjoying Taylor Swift’s music. It’s enjoying corporate plagiarized crap and then having the gall to state that OTHERS have no taste when everything about your favorite is plagiarized. Lol


𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖜𝖓
I thought Manu's face looked weird. Now in comparison I think he has peak design.

I'm losing faith tbh @Elder Lee Hung @Owl Ki @God Buggy @Bullet @TheKnightOfTheSea @SakazOuki

I'm starting to think this random Chu lord may be stronger than Tik-tok star Shitbumsho. I hope Man'U ends up Top 3 in Chu.
You fell off so hard
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We really don't know the upper limit of either of them. Though I don't believe for one second that Man'U is the strongest of Chu.

Currently he should be imo
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See, if I was wrong about Kingdom being in a decline since WZI, this thread wouldn't be in its current state.

Y'all have forgotten but I remember a different time.

I remember what the vibes and topics were like when Kingdom was still consistently kino. We didn't know how good we had it. We had gotten used to being inundated with dope shit for hundreds of chapters - at least from Bayou onwards, though I'd make the case for the first 650 chapters being some of the most consistently rewarding and entertaining body of work out there.

At its peak Kingdom was worthy of drawing comparison even to Oda's strongest years on One Piece.

Nowadays, I've come to accept the fall off is real and that its best days are likely behind it. Whatever Hara had going for him way back when, he hasn't got it anymore.
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Lazy is the way
See, if I was wrong about Kingdom being in a decline since WZI, this thread wouldn't be in its current state.

Y'all have forgotten but I remember a different time.

I remember what the vibes and topics were like when Kingdom was still consistently kino. We didn't know how good we had it. We had gotten used to being inundated with dope shit for hundreds of chapters - at least from Bayou onwards, though I'd make the case for the first 650 chapters being some of the most consistently rewarding and entertaining body of work out there.

At its peak Kingdom was worthy of drawing comparison even to Oda's strongest years on One Piece.

Nowadays, I've come to accept the fall off is real and the its best days are likely behind it. Whatever Hara had going for him way back when, he hasn't got it anymore.
Shin killing Houken was the beginning of the end
I have a higher appreciation for Gai Mou than most, but I don't consider him one of my favourites. I'd like Hara to make him stronger/more formidable in the story because I think it would be better for it.

Shin killing Houken was the beginning of the end
It's always bugged me. I don't think Hara's given much comment on the actual fight itself, but I have so many questions I'd like to ask him.

In retrospect, it looks like me like he went about that the way he went about revealing Kan Ki's backstory during Gian: he made shit up as he went and it wasn't very thoughtout or satisfying.

Why did Hou Ken only show up at the end? Why didn't Hara want Shin to have a "cleaner" showdown with the boogeyman he'd been building up for 500 chapters? I have all these questions about the hows and whys of that Shin vs Hou Ken duel, but the likeliest answer to each one is Hara probably just didn't put much thought into it.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
See, if I was wrong about Kingdom being in a decline since WZI, this thread wouldn't be in its current state.

Y'all have forgotten but I remember a different time.

I remember what the vibes and topics were like when Kingdom was still consistently kino. We didn't know how good we had it. We had gotten used to being inundated with dope shit for hundreds of chapters - at least from Bayou onwards, though I'd make the case for the first 650 chapters being some of the most consistently rewarding and entertaining body of work out there.

At its peak Kingdom was worthy of drawing comparison even to Oda's strongest years on One Piece.

Nowadays, I've come to accept the fall off is real and that its best days are likely behind it. Whatever Hara had going for him way back when, he hasn't got it anymore.
Nah Kingdom is peak, it just has stupid fans lol
I lasted longer than that clown Hara
Nowadays, I've come to accept the fall off is real and that its best days are likely behind it. Whatever Hara had going for him way back when, he hasn't got it anymore.
Thing is. Hara's decline goes way too hard and at an consistently awful pace too. At this rate we'll be in hell in a few arcs.
Nah Kingdom is peak, it just has stupid fans lol
It's been about ~5 years or thereabouts since the end of Western Zhao Invasion.

Since then we've gotten:
  • Zhao Crisis Arc (5 chapters) - interesting but short
  • Juuko (13 chapters) - interesting but short
  • Shiyuu Conflict (9 chapters) - I find it more undercooked than outright bad, but it appears to very unpopular either way
  • Eikyuu (31 chapters) - at best I'd say it was fine, but I think I can only say that now after the last couple of arcs being so mediocre
  • Gian (54 chapters) - disappointing more than anything, just thoroughly underwhelming and waste of Kan Ki who mostly ran
  • Shintei Arc (13 chapters) - interesting but short
  • Hango Campaign (31 chapters) - an abominable waste of the sum of its parts, just disgraceful
  • Three Pillars (? chapters) - TBD
In my view, Kingdom has been increasingly mediocre and wasting its potential since the end of WZI.

Truly. One Piece is atleast fairly consistent but Kingdom has severely declined, I'll say that Eikyuu is the last good battle Hara has done.
I'm on the same page with Eikyuu being the last good battle, albeit good being a relative term.
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