Lmao. That's too much. The Ouki army is among the weakest compared to Qin's other armies but that's because they had Tou who actually was the No.1 general of Qin (next to Ouki) without anyone knowing.
Lmfao, we going at it in two threads it seems. Kingdom is a drug and we can’t get enough.
Anyway, no it’s not too much imo. Ouki’s vassals are among the weakest 6GG/3GH vassals we’ve ever seen. Who among the Qin 6 we’ve seen has weaker vassals than Ouki? Kanki maybe? Moubu? I doubt it as Moubu’s generals fought with Chu generals at Coalition.
Every 3GH/6GG has much better vassals than Ouki. Ouki had Tou and he even had Kyou for a while so he’s had some great vassals But Rokuomi and co. Ain’t it. Like I said I’d favor Ouki’s guys over Shukai Heki or like Mougou’s generals Eibei and Domon or whatever…but Ouki’s vassals are the weakest we’ve seen out of the Qin6/Zhao 3.
Both Gakushou and Fuuon are weaker than Akou. Gakushou probably by a little and Fuuon by a lot but a 2v1 even allowed Fuuon to look impressive so if you apply the same to Sento'Un's fight it was super impressive and one of the craziest feats actually.
I’m not so sure Gakushou is weaker than Akou. Shibashou’s vassals are crazy. Fuu’On maybe.
But you’re getting distracted. I never said Akou > Sento’Un, we’re just discussing the Gyou’Un/Bananji feat vs the Ranbihaku/Rokuomi feat.
Gyou’Un and Bananji are both the real deal, there’s no room to doubt either of them as warriors. Ranbihaku is the real deal too, I don’t think you can doubt him. Rokuomi? Hell no lol. Sento’Un calling him a Chu 1,000 man commander was the end of me giving Rokuomi the benefit of the doubt. Maybe at EOS Rokuomi might sniff Heavenly King level but definitely not right now, he’s nowhere near that level still.