General & Others Koby is only a Marine Captain (Volume 95 correction)



Very big error! It would be interesting if the SSG was some kind of sea stone armour which allowed soldiers to go up against fruit users. Wonder how Coby would do against Hancock in that scenario?


I think SSG was confirmed to be secret science group
Yeah it was, i meant like what if it was a sea stone armour allocated to certain members of the marines i.e. Captains, or some other science tech that grants immunity to fruit powers that certain Marines gain access to -
Would be cool if Coby was a part of that group & would be interesting to see if he could push someone like boa with complete immunity to her fruit powers lol
I bet ssc is the rivals of vinsmokes. some seastone pacifista.
I think that SWORD is part of the SSG. That's why Coby was sent to take down Hancock. The entire marine fleet headed to Amazon lily is full of high tech weapons.

I Also think that Vegapunk's dragon research allowed him to develop some drug that allows Drake to alter the properties of his DF(kinda like Chopper's rumble ball)
Yeah it was, i meant like what if it was a sea stone armour allocated to certain members of the marines i.e. Captains, or some other science tech that grants immunity to fruit powers that certain Marines gain access to -
Would be cool if Coby was a part of that group & would be interesting to see if he could push someone like boa with complete immunity to her fruit powers lol
I always thought that Coby was based off Captain America.

Both have similar backstories of being generally weak people with good hearts that joined the military and became heroes. Then you have SWORD which kinda parallels to SHEILD(idk if that was Oda's inspiration).

I think Vegapunk could've given Coby a super soldier serum. Perhaps something that allows him to become a giant for a temporary time period
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That would actually be kinda nice as it would parallel to Luffy's abilities


I actually thought this could be the case when the ssg chapter 1st came out aha. How mad wouldsea stone pacifistas be?

either just seasone weapons guns that shoots seastone bullets, or seastone knifes, swords, spears. or maybe they also got seastone armor.
Obviously he is stronger than all other captains, that´s a no-brainer which everyone agrees with, it´s the "Coby will become Admiral by EoS, hence he has to be uber strong now, look he already became a Rear Admiral" argument that was annihilated.
People need to stop using 'It's his dream to be 'blah, blah, blah' to justify they beat others or right now they be over them as that doesn't how it works. We saw Luffy got one-shot by Kaido and his dream is to be PK, Zoro got fainting spell incident despite wanting to be WSS, etc.. Having dreams for EOS later won't mean you don't take your Ls now. The characters won't be unstoppable and won't ever lose and same with Koby who won't take his own losses in long run either.

Now that it's reveal he was never promoted at all, more unlikely Oda might not push him above this soon if it's true mistranslation and never kept official. Hancock has too much hype for Oda to give to her from someone like Coby as that be too much of surge for Koby for that. Either someone else leading Koby is leading fleets than him or it end in partnership between the 2 due to being friends with Luffy which is more likely to happen more.


Zoro Worshipper
Obviously he is stronger than all other captains, that´s a no-brainer which everyone agrees with, it´s the "Coby will become Admiral by EoS, hence he has to be uber strong now, look he already became a Rear Admiral" argument that was annihilated.
Well there's still time and his potential is huge


the correction might be a hint that Oda actually has something in mind for him to do soon that makes him leap higher in ranks , i hope just that he will not defeat Hancock at least not by himself.
It's funny that Oda decided to NOT LET THIS MISTAKE SLIDE
Cause it would have make Coby one step closer to catching up to Luffy.
And people tell me Coby will be at EoS as equal as Luffy.

Coby will be an admiral and achieve his dream AFTER the final war finishes, the same way every shonen after the final war ends, and shows u what happened to each and every character. That's how Oda will show Coby becoming an admiral, in the aftermath. While the Fleet admiral will be handed to one of either Aokiji or Fujitora as they both are seniors and have more wisdom