Chapter Discussion Last wild takes in Egghead before chapter 1087

I asked Bing AI to write some fake spoilers. According to it,Pedro is back!

  • Luffy and Zoro infiltrate Vegapunk’s laboratory, where they discover his secret project: a giant robot powered by a Devil Fruit.
  • Sanji and Nami encounter Smoker and Tashigi, who are also investigating the island. They team up to fight against some of Vegapunk’s creations, such as Pacifistas and cyborg animals.
  • Chopper and Usopp meet Vegapunk himself, who reveals that he has been working on a cure for the SMILEs and asks for their help in testing it.
  • Robin and Brook find a hidden chamber where Vegapunk has stored some ancient relics, including a Poneglyph and the Iron Giant.
  • Franky and Jinbe face off against Sentomaru and Kizaru, who have arrived to protect Vegapunk’s research from intruders.
  • Carrot and Wanda encounter Pedro, who has somehow survived his sacrifice in Whole Cake Island and has been experimented on by Vegapunk.
The gorosei all look lame as fuck. I doubt any of them are stronger than Gear 5 Luffy 1 on 1.

If Luffy loses it will be by distractions. Not a fair fight.
It’s not really Oda style to have the Big Bad of an arc be weaker than Luffy, almost always Luffy is the one playing catch up or needing help to win.

Both Saturn and Luffy are Gods, but Saturn has many years more experience with his God powers, while Luffy doesn’t even really know he has God powers yet. I think Oda will use this meeting between the two to teach Luffy about his powers, but this will mean Luffy likely looses to Saturn.
One prediction:

Oda is doing all those "around-the-world" chapters right now, because he wants that huge Egghead event to take place in chapter 1100.

He will do another few of those chapters away from Egghead and then return to Egghead just in time to have a few buildup chapters for 1100.