General & Others Lol nobody cared that Vega punk died.

I know this is s powerlevel forum and ysll dont discuss the acrual manga( i just realized ehy the fuck am i here.

But nobody cared about vegapunk dying
Theres probably no post on this forum along the lines like aww i wanted him to live. I mean its a little early for me to say it's bad story telling but killing vegs punk after like 15 years of talking about him.

I mean the man did literally nothing we were hoping he could do. I mean it's kinda ovvious luffy will drive everybody from the idland because if not sentomaru dies and new px's get reprogrammed and the seraphim probably do to. Which would be a ln infuriating waste.
I’m bummed that he died. But let’s see how dead he is now. His clones will be useful somehow I guess.

And yeah it’s also because Oda handled this badly. Pedro had more impact when he died.

And we already knew about the death flag since the narrator fucking told us lmao
To be fair there are 7 of them and only three (?) are actually dead. Also the massive top of his head is still doing fine (somehow)

Not to mention Sanji has yet to acknowledge his death and Franky and Bonney know nothing of it, which means we got no emotional response from any character. And at last, no flashback. He played a big role in Kuma's one but we know little to nothing about the man himself.

I would have loved a MADs flashback. Now it is way too late. Perhaps we'll have a Sora/MADS flashback when Evil Sanji appears :josad:
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I have faith that Oda is cooking something up about this.

Vegapunk has made many arrangements before.

In the past, he tricked Caesar.

He arranged Stussy as a spy in the World Government.

He programmed Android Kuma to follow Bonney.

He deceived Saturn about the switch that caused Kuma's self-destruction, which, in reality, doesn't exist.

And this time, he has already told Dragon that he would die soon.

So, I have expectations about this too.
He didn’t give any reason to care for him specifically, but people have talked about the plot implications of it.

The dead man’s switch is a cool idea. Luffy just failed the promise he made to Sentomaru. Such things are just more interesting than Vegapunk himself.
I know this is s powerlevel forum and ysll dont discuss the acrual manga( i just realized ehy the fuck am i here.

But nobody cared about vegapunk dying
Theres probably no post on this forum along the lines like aww i wanted him to live. I mean its a little early for me to say it's bad story telling but killing vegs punk after like 15 years of talking about him.

I mean the man did literally nothing we were hoping he could do. I mean it's kinda ovvious luffy will drive everybody from the idland because if not sentomaru dies and new px's get reprogrammed and the seraphim probably do to. Which would be a ln infuriating waste.
he literally wanted to die and started the arc calling dragon on the snail and saying hey. im going to die. and his entire plan here revolves around being killed by the government and having his dead mans switch go off.
We don't care cos a) there are like 4 more Vegapunks, b) he isn't confirmed dead yet, c) we've had no emotional response from anyone.

When Bonney and Kizaru interact with a dead Vegapunk, that's when we'll feel an emotional response. Rn he's in Sanji's arms - a Sanji who himself isn't sad yet because he's confused about the video - and we're watching a recording of Vegapunk himself fooling around in a recording. Pretty sure it's not supposed to be sad yet.

It'll become sad once the recording ends and people start realising Vegapunk is dead. Then we'll get flashbacks of Bonney, Kizaru, Dragon etc...