General & Others Luffy’s gorosei


Imu and the gorosei seem to clearly represent a geocentric model of the galaxy. The earth being the center of the universe with only 5 planets orbiting
  1. Imu: earth
  2. Saturn: Saturn
  3. Mars: Mars
  4. Warcury: Mercury
  5. Nasjuro: Venus
  6. Peter: Jupiter
While luffy obviously represents the heliocentric with the sun with 9 planets orbiting
  1. Luffy: sun
  2. Vivi: true earth?
  3. Momonosuke: moon
    • Carrot and the mink are connected to the moon to but eh idk
  4. Shirahoshi: Poseidon: Neptune
  5. Yamato?: Pluton: Pluto
  6. Lunarian/sky person?: Uranus
Do you think he’ll have people that represent the rest of the planets?
  1. Sun: luffy
  2. Mercury: ?
  3. Venus: zoro
  4. Earth: vivi
  5. Moon: momo but a more out there guess carrot
  6. Mars: sanji
  7. Jupiter: ?
  8. Saturn: ?
  9. Uranus: some sky person imo
  10. Neptune: shirahoshi
  11. Pluto: yamato



Kitetsu Wanker
If Saturn leaves Egghead undefeated, Luffy aint getting any of the Gorosei.
He is not qualified to beat them. All combatants with virtual invincibility are incompatible with 20-minute performers like Luffy.
Unless there are others helping him to buy him rounds or bring him food to eat.