To me it didn't work because of Enies Lobby, Robin was threatened and sacrificed herself against the biggest challenge the straw hats have ever met at this point, yet he never hesitated, and he witnessed Luffy not giving a fuck about his opponent.
Whatever he would do, he should have known Luffy would have never given up on him, he sailed with the guy for months and even in Wano he is now back to the "believe in Luffy"s speech.
Sanji's case was different.. yes he didn't believe that luffy could take on a Yonko which we know he couldn't but in sanji's case there were alot of uncertainties..
if he denied.. his father figure would have gotten shot..and his hands would have been blown into smithereens.. taking his dream away from him.. for robin.. buster call was her fear and she never want to inflict it on the crew.. and matter the fact the reason they survived in enies lobby was due to sanji
so Robin feared the buster call might earse the crew.. while sanji feared that if he doesn't accept BM's condition his father figure would be killed..
The reason why he was soo determined during robin's case was coz he and the SH already fought their opponents and had developed to that level.. but we're talking about facing a yonko.. and logically the crew wouldn't just jump tiers just to beat a yonko .. but that not it.. sanji's hesitation was due to zeff too.. he had to choose whether to slaughter his father figure and stay with his crew... or save zeff by sacrificing himself and leave the crew so that they don't become the underlings of BM.... he chose the latter coz even luffy couldn't do shit about this..
Besides sanji always has been the miracle man for the SHP.. even during enies lobby alabasta.. for him hs knew that what the crew was capable with him but he knew the crew could do nothing about this situation when he can't..
what sanji mistook was forgetting that luffy is a miracle man... more than he would ever be..he attracted jimbe, made the formulation of the plan possible.. he earned beges trust... NO ONE WOULD HAVE FOR SEEN THIS.... the reason they survived WCI is just luffy's miracle
sanji wasn't wrong with what he did he looked at every possibility but he misjudged his captain.. not his strength... not his will.. but the fact that he was a living breathing Miracle.. he just couldn't find a way out of this mess..