Blackbeard powers will awaken and will engulf all the island in an infinite void (hi gojo), and cancel all the devil fruits in the entire island
Luffy vs Sakazuki will become a will power battle ; pure haki ; no G5 laughing bullshit vs the man who killed his brother
I expect the battle to be on Laugh Tale itself or an island before Laugh Tale like Lodestar to mirror God Valley ;
Luffy win ; Shanks loses ; then Luffy fights Blackbeard
Luffy vs Sakazuki will become a will power battle ; pure haki ; no G5 laughing bullshit vs the man who killed his brother
I expect the battle to be on Laugh Tale itself or an island before Laugh Tale like Lodestar to mirror God Valley ;
Luffy win ; Shanks loses ; then Luffy fights Blackbeard
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