We don't have time for that, for me it's pretty straight forward from here
- Elbaf
- Luffy & Shanks reunion
- Big Battle at Laugh Tale , Shanks , Buggy (Mihawk really) , Blackbeard , Sakazuki and Luffy all converge to have a huge war like God Valley and Luffy is obviously the winner
- Luffy find the One Piece
- Luffy heads to Mariejois and fights the World Goverment and Imu
Don't think you can seperate Shanks, Saka , BB ; there's no time for it ... we will have 1 huge battle imo
- Elbaf
- Luffy & Shanks reunion
- Big Battle at Laugh Tale , Shanks , Buggy (Mihawk really) , Blackbeard , Sakazuki and Luffy all converge to have a huge war like God Valley and Luffy is obviously the winner
- Luffy find the One Piece
- Luffy heads to Mariejois and fights the World Goverment and Imu
Don't think you can seperate Shanks, Saka , BB ; there's no time for it ... we will have 1 huge battle imo
Elbaf will be a HUGE arc, stop believing oda's predictions, he just says that to hurry New fans into catching up with the show lol.
Oda knows damn well he aint wrapping everything until, at least, 2030.