Speculations Lunarians! Time to revisit an old theory.

So way back in 2016, on a little site called Orojackson, I created a theory called "The One Piece/Final Fantasy Connection". In that theory, I connected a Race from Final Fantasy IV, to the One Piece World. The name of that race, was the Lunarians. Basically the gist of it was, the Lunarians were a race of people who came from the Moon to the Blue Planet. At some point they realized it was too soon for them to co-exist with the inhabitants of the Blue Planet at the time, so they ended up creating an Artificial Moon, and living above the Blue Planet until the day came where the two races could live in peace. You can actually read the entirety of there theory in this link below. Now the theory digs much deeper into the connections between the two series, but if you want to skip straight to the part about the Lunarians, you can just do a quick find.


With this new revelation, I want to expand upon this concept even more when I get a little bit of time, but for now, I wanted to bring this up to open up some discussion on the recent revelation of there being a tribe in the One Piece World called "The Lunarians." Oda is gearing up these guys to have a deep connection to the overall story of One Piece, and I am interested in seeing your guys thoughts.
So way back in 2016, on a little site called Orojackson, I created a theory called "The One Piece/Final Fantasy Connection". In that theory, I connected a Race from Final Fantasy IV, to the One Piece World. The name of that race, was the Lunarians. Basically the gist of it was, the Lunarians were a race of people who came from the Moon to the Blue Planet. At some point they realized it was too soon for them to co-exist with the inhabitants of the Blue Planet at the time, so they ended up creating an Artificial Moon, and living above the Blue Planet until the day came where the two races could live in peace. You can actually read the entirety of there theory in this link below. Now the theory digs much deeper into the connections between the two series, but if you want to skip straight to the part about the Lunarians, you can just do a quick find.


With this new revelation, I want to expand upon this concept even more when I get a little bit of time, but for now, I wanted to bring this up to open up some discussion on the recent revelation of there being a tribe in the One Piece World called "The Lunarians." Oda is gearing up these guys to have a deep connection to the overall story of One Piece, and I am interested in seeing your guys thoughts.
To back your theory up, "Luna" and "Lunar" literally mean moon.
At this point these Lunarians could refer to the whole of all the races which come from the moon (Shandians, Birkans, Skypeans), the only relevant difference are the shapes of their wings and maybe the ears, or for King specific race only (did BM had skypeans and the like back in WCI?). Anyway like some people already pointed out "Luna" in italian means moon so Lunarians can be even litteraly be translated as inhabitants of the moon.
Oda is such a tease when it comes to the relevance of moon in the story

In Wano alone we've had so many references to it-

- All the clans( ) of Wano except Kurozumi (meaning black charcoal) have the suffix (-Tsuki) meaning the moon.

- The minks transform into a sulong because deeply buried memories( )

- The consistent symbolism with waning and waxing moon and naturally its role as a precursor to dawn

- So many references throughout the arc from Toki's prophecy to Hiyori singing the Tsukihime song (Moon Princess)

and now we have this Lunaria clan on our hands now, for which you bring up an amazing references from ff