In my games defense you over played your hand with the knowledge you had. Using plats game while in any other game would be solid was your undoing because my game differed from his


What could have been...
In my games defense you over played your hand with the knowledge you had. Using plats game while in any other game would be solid was your undoing because my game differed from his
im not speaking about the game itself. we ended up winning so there is some form of satisfaction there

but im more so speaking about from my PoV, recent SRMs havent really been very memorable. i dont make it past cycle 1 alive as either alignment

flowa probbaly had it worst from her PoV too


The End and the Beginning
The problem with this sort of discourse is that it always seems to be rather unbalanced to me. When it affects you (and the "you" here isn't referring to any one in particular), you complain and become frustrated. When it doesn't affect you, or when you benefit from it, you have no issue with it. I take some exception to that, because it results in very disingenuous arguments where one game you will berate this stuff, and then the next, you might be defending it.

I think, holistically, it's not really an issue - it's just the nature of "super" role madness. Roles affect roles, and some roles will have no obvious counterplay because they're intended to be very strong. It can be painful to overcome that, frustrating to be sure, but I don't really think there is anything so endemic that it requires re-evaluating. If anything comes to mind, it's "wishes" and "amps", because they can easily get out of control.


What could have been...
The problem with this sort of discourse is that it always seems to be rather unbalanced to me. When it affects you (and the "you" here isn't referring to any one in particular), you complain and become frustrated. When it doesn't affect you, or when you benefit from it, you have no issue with it. I take some exception to that, because it results in very disingenuous arguments where one game you will berate this stuff, and then the next, you might be defending it.

I think, holistically, it's not really an issue - it's just the nature of "super" role madness. Roles affect roles, and some roles will have no obvious counterplay because they're intended to be very strong. It can be painful to overcome that, frustrating to be sure, but I don't really think there is anything so endemic that it requires re-evaluating. If anything comes to mind, it's "wishes" and "amps", because they can easily get out of control.
right add the wishes thing to the list

flowa's point is being on the receiving end of too many SRM mechanics is not enjoyable. i think thats justified
Also you best not think of taking a SRM game break @Ekkologix I'm waiting a bloody 3 months to get my comic book themed game out of queue. It's gonna kickstart my cinematic comic run, you must be there from the start Batman to my end game . MCU


When were you under the impression this game is..
i didnt enjoy dying to a tracker who casually straight up bypasses our correct busdrive action in ur game n1
You played like shit that phase, you got tracked. Maybe dont do the fk yourself when you are likely to be tracked after basically ghosting the game.

There were counters to Naomi. She was rendered useless after that track on you btw. Because your team learned. And you won.


The End and the Beginning
right add the wishes thing to the list

flowa's point is being on the receiving end of too many SRM mechanics is not enjoyable. i think thats justified
I'm not saying it *isn't* justified - but it affects everyone equally. I also think there should be lines drawn - voicing discontent is one thing, but it should be done in respect of the rules, and I don't think it's ever acceptable to try and berate the host to force your point of view forward. Above all, respect should be considered - and no right to complaint supersedes the basic expectation that you remember you are talking to another human being who, more often than not, is simply trying their best.

This is why the rules state to leave complaints until after the game. Then, you can have an informed and balanced discussion with the host. I've gone off onto a tangent here, but my point on this is that we need to maintain some level of respect for other people and their time - if yours feels wasted, it's unfortunate, but that's not an excuse for poor, unsightly conduct.


im not speaking about the game itself. we ended up winning so there is some form of satisfaction there

but im more so speaking about from my PoV, recent SRMs havent really been very memorable. i dont make it past cycle 1 alive as either alignment

flowa probbaly had it worst from her PoV too
i think you not making past cycle 1 has to do more with you yourself as a person and less to do with the setup


When were you under the impression this game is..
My OP game broke records of engagement and post count. I like to think that I helped revitalize the section atleast a little bit and im treated like shit and a guy who doesnt make “memorable “ games when all the games I made had the highest engagement in this section bar novas weebs.

But yeah not memorable, you cant remember something you never really played @Ekkologix


What could have been...
My OP game broke records of engagement and post count. I like to think that I helped revitalize the section atleast a little bit and im treated like shit and a guy who doesnt make “memorable “ games when all the games I made had the highest engagement in this section bar novas weebs.

But yeah not memorable, you cant remember something you never really played @Ekkologix
which is why its called opinion or PoV

im sure someone out there enjoyed it and dreams of it every night

the game itself didnt seem unbalanced either

all im saying is from my PoV SRM mechanics has been unfortunte the past 4-5 games