
Yeah, I noticed you lack experience in that regard. It's been 2 years since your last scum role which was Joker in the Joker Reg game. You gave up too quickly, Town Zem doesn't do that.
I had no choice :josad: I wasn't following the game :few: I think I would have been slightly better if I had the role from the start, subbing in as scum is never easy xD I can actually play it really well....usually.


Although I think you can blame Mango for giving away the Light role was scum and you had no good fake claim.

So not even your fault lmao.
I subbed in for Reborn who everyone already thought was scum.

I was still suffering from being killed in my first role..... Which wincon was (to me) was to get town MVP as Indie :josad:
I subbed in for Reborn who everyone already thought was scum.

I was still suffering from being killed in my first role..... Which wincon was (to me) was to get town MVP as Indie :josad:
I knew you were Town or pro Town back then. And that role was so nice, too. I want to get a pro Town Indie role one single time -_-...
I was so enjoying the role too xD Since I had no townie standard to live to, I was free to do all the extra stuff I even purchased an item just to troll @TheAncientCenturion :gokulaugh:
I got a pro Mafia Indie in Rej' Wano game. I had to save Mafia twice and that last day phase I pulled a Jester play to get votes on me and redirect the lynch to Midnight.

He's still pissed because of this.


We have a cat and 2 more coming to our place all the time. I fucking hate it that so many people here abandon their pets lately.
I had this one cat that would follow you to the store down the street and back. I gave him to my friend who has 40 acres and he's living his best life



I am the worst with spelling and grammar. It's not that I don't know it, I just don't type it right for some reason, then usually too lazy to change it and think well they know what I mean xD
I'm actually really bad about it, but I don't try to correct people. That's where my laziness sets in :cheers: