I've been really enjoying my switch
Picked up Pokemon Arceus recently and that game is actually super fun. Surprisingly it's fun to fill out the pokedex as well, usually I don't bother.

Current team is Quilava, Luxio, Buizel, Crobat, Drifloon, and Slyther

Just beat the part where you fight Big Ol' Kleavor

Probably going to pick up Sword here as well.
No idea if that's a compliment or not, but it's just how I see it. Pretty much every site I frequented has died off, home sites and home sites to replace home sites, and with them people you were friends with that you can just no longer talk to. Eventually I just reached a point where it was expected, sites lasting longer than 5 years are a genuine surprise to me.
Lol it wasn't compliment or a diss
Just observation

the way you both talk very similar, and that post sounded like sth he would exactly say

Ah true, first site I remember using was MSN messenger, it was the thing in the past
Now ppl use discord and probably gonna find sth new after it


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
No idea if that's a compliment or not, but it's just how I see it. Pretty much every site I frequented has died off, home sites and home sites to replace home sites, and with them people you were friends with that you can just no longer talk to. Eventually I just reached a point where it was expected, sites lasting longer than 5 years are a genuine surprise to me.
You actually sound like someone I know
I sometimes wonder whether people have same personalities irl as they have in the online world or whether they try to incorporate their online personalities to real life
Ppl online tend to be more carefree so it is like showing the better side of yourself or the worse lol

What do u think is different about your online/irl self?


Feels like I've heard that name from NF

I made a friend at NF too, a guy called White Wolf. He was a mod there. Aries might know him lol, we used to watch movies together.
yeah yeah he’s in NF and was on MM - I know ww just never interacted with him much.
Me a Croatian, with 15th and 22th of this months as a holiday state
Yeah the 15th they’re celebrating my bday.
Lol, we should get Remchu to sign up here, he's fun to play with
Rem is a cool guy let me send a pm tell him he’s been summoned for here :)


Arbiter of Truth
I sometimes wonder whether people have same personalities irl as they have in the online world or whether they try to incorporate their online personalities to real life
I think speaking for myself, I feel like it's easier to give more of myself online.

Irl I think I am a bit more reserved, especially with new people. However getting better on thar front due to exposure to it.

So in short; The same but in varying degrees