Resonance-Resonance Fruit
It's the ability to eat and absorb energy and matter. As energy and matter are absorbed into the user's body, they are converted into body movements. The user's body is made up of particles that fly around in orbits like the electron clouds flying around an atom nucleus or molecule. The orbits of the body particles can occupy horizontally in the same dimension or vertically in different neighboring dimensions such as time, mirror, 10th or portal dimensions. The user can synchronize his body particles to move horizontally or vertically at high speeds that can be higher than the speed of light. The user can move back in time.
As the user eats more energy and matter, his/her body either grows bigger or becomes more energetic, depending on the user's technique of absorption and on what material he eats. If the user gets more energetic, his/her body particles zip around at higher speeds, potentially reaching speed infinite. He/she can eat speed infinite particles and high energy blast to energize his/her body to higher level. The user can eat time and makes time in his/her body zips around at speed infinite, thus allowing the user to move in a time void without being frozen.
Once the user has achieved the body state of infinite energy, he/she can beat the Expanding-Void user. The user punches can crack the fabric of existence that the Expandind-Void user sits on, even in a time void.
To achieve a higher energy state the user needs to gradually levelling up or his/her body gets blown apart because of absorbing energy that is too high.
If the user body in 3D dimension gets destroyed the user can heal himself/herself because his/her higher-than-3D body is still intact.
Since the user specializes in energy, he/she can detect anything that move.