Future Events Mihawk will crush Sengoku

Since i doubt oda is gonna waste Fujitora ,Sengoku s the one who gonna be wasted
Garp s meet his fate
Wb died
Kaido and meme to
Time for the old farts to go
Sengoku s the one who said they need to strike cross guils as fast as possible

@comrade @SakazOuki @Lee Ba Shou @Peroroncino @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @MonsterKaido @Kurozumi Wiwi @Topi Jerami @JoNdule @HeroesNZ @zenox @grey matter @nik87 @ConquistadoR @Erkan12 @TheAncientCenturion @Garp the Fist @Lor D. Coast @Gol D. Roger @ZenZu @Marimo_420 @MarineHQ @DKI @Kiri @Shiroyru etc


The only one who can beat me is me
Rather Mihawk's untouchable aura not be wasted on this washed up old legend.

If he fought Fuji, it would be much more badass. We know before Old Legends go out they are gonna be gassed at the expense of the character who will survive. Mihawk is supposed to be one of the unblemished top tiers, while I think he'd do better than most, I would still be worried for how Oda makes him look.

Though Kizaru was also one of those characters who had a somewhat untouchable aura, he had to be given depression for that to end, but Oda still refuses to draw Kizaru dirty or looking injured while Kaidou was coughing up liters of blood against weaker attacks. So it can be the same case with Mihawk, where he gets touched up only for him to be drawn relatively unharmed.
I think Fujitora would be a better match.
Both are swordsmen, Mihawk would have to cut his way trought meteorites. It would be a cool fight.
Fujitora also hates warlords, so he and Cross Guild have more than a reasons to come to a clash.
Also I dont know what Fujitora role would be from now on since he is neither on wg nor on pirate's side.
Rather Mihawk's untouchable aura not be wasted on this washed up old legend.
Current sengoku is stronger than garp
Hes probably awakened to and acoc
If he fought Fuji, it would be much more badass. We know before Old Legends go out they are gonna be gassed at the expense of the character who will survive. Mihawk is supposed to be one of the unblemished top tiers, while I think he'd do better than most, I would still be worried for how Oda makes him look.
You know well oda wont waste fuji he s clearly has another purpose for him
Sengoku s the one who said they need to strike fast
Though Kizaru was also one of those characters who had a somewhat untouchable aura, he had to be given depression for that to end, but Oda still refuses to draw Kizaru dirty or looking injured while Kaidou was coughing up liters of blood against weaker attacks. So it can be the same case with Mihawk, where he gets touched up only for him to be drawn relatively unharmed.
No one s untouchable
Garp washed kuzan
Sengoku another monster :araboss:
Truly you are the biggest latrine fan out of here
They gassed Pranks to top one for beating the same guy who got slandered for killer doing better on the roof than
Ignoring the narrative butchering here a little bit, Shonks little oni-chan also wasted killer, and really all of the crew really, so why even make that distinction