Future Events Mihawk will crush Sengoku

You guys are starting to act like you're in the One Piece verse as citizens who don't know that Buggy is fodder and won't be doing the fighting himself :kobeha:
I still haven’t said my opinion regarding this topic, this is all how @L57 felt about Mifraud being excluded from the mother of all doublespreads
Mihawk fans really forgot that their boy ain’t Pranks
You already bet against mihawk means he gonna be good
I mean look at your garbage record
King the L fire,drake,pizzaru
Forgetting someone? :michalaugh:
Post automatically merged:

Then he’s a clown like Mihawk, who barely cracked 3.5bil
No no
Mihawk s a subordinate
The leader of navy barely cracking 3.5b is the worst outcome for power rangers fans :kobeha:
Since i doubt oda is gonna waste Fujitora ,Sengoku s the one who gonna be wasted
Garp s meet his fate
Wb died
Kaido and meme to
Time for the old farts to go
Sengoku s the one who said they need to strike cross guils as fast as possible
Why would he fight a retired old man. He'll win but how does it matter? Buggy's lackeys can take Sengoku out with some poisoned dagger or some nasty cheap trick, he got too much screen time already.
Having a sword definitely matters. Showing why he’s the Wss against a top tier swordsman to showcase the validity of the title.
Can you please elaborate what a guy with a sword is doing exactly in one piece to demonstrate his very important sword skills? Is he gonna beat the sword out of someone's hand, like the mighty izo?

You can use all sword waddling characters in the last 15 years, you will not find anything beside big haki/air wave slash.

Swordsmanship is a big meme in one piece, people doubt mihawks title because shanks is popular and odas darling and he has dragon level of not showing anything, not because he didn't beat a character who didn't happen to have a sword
Rather Mihawk's untouchable aura not be wasted on this washed up old legend.

If he fought Fuji, it would be much more badass. We know before Old Legends go out they are gonna be gassed at the expense of the character who will survive. Mihawk is supposed to be one of the unblemished top tiers, while I think he'd do better than most, I would still be worried for how Oda makes him look.

Though Kizaru was also one of those characters who had a somewhat untouchable aura, he had to be given depression for that to end, but Oda still refuses to draw Kizaru dirty or looking injured while Kaidou was coughing up liters of blood against weaker attacks. So it can be the same case with Mihawk, where he gets touched up only for him to be drawn relatively unharmed.
The same aufa that has him crying to Saturn "I need more time "
I think Sengoku will be clapped by Blackbeard.
Dark Buddha is way too dope not to happen.
Before 1082 came out, I used to believe that Sengoku would come to Winner Island and save Law, sacrificing himself against BB (in an obviously hard fight, since someone like Sengoku wouldn't go down easy even against BB and even in his old age) to save Law kind of like Rosinante.
But now Idk what'll happen. Maybe BB will still get his fruit if Sengoku comes to save Garp after training the SWORD brats and Smoker
Mihawk wasn't even given serphaims to show off
Crocodile and Daz fought seraphims
Hancock fought BB l, seraphims and Navy
Mihawk ...ran away from fodders

You think Oda will waste Sengoku on this fraud?
It'll be Crocodile and Mihawk beating Sengoku 2v1


Kitetsu Wanker
Mihawk will fight Zoro - he doesn't need to fight anybody else
Name a better faction to raid Impel Down, to free Weevil and Doffy, than Cross Guild made of former inmates backed up by strongest power in the world? :myman:
But now Idk what'll happen. Maybe BB will still get his fruit if Sengoku comes to save Garp after training the SWORD brats and Smoker
That fruit is too relevant to stay on Sengoku, imo.
Mihawk will do nothing - why do you folks set yourself up like this?
Are you playing 4D chess here and denying Mihawk vs Sengoku because you think Oda will make Mihawk struggle more than you’d like, or would you like it to happen, but just don’t think Oda will let Mihawk do anything cool?