Most popular Manga you haven’t read

Toriko isn't worth reading, sadly I come late.
The final arc was great though. The 8 Kings marching towards Acacia and his fight with them + GOD was glorious. The art was neat too, Don Slime vs Neo, Jirou vs Blue Nitro etc...

The main issue with Toriko was the weak plot and mediocre characters, otherwise the worldbuild and concepts had so much potential despite the bad execution.


don't know what anime is
I don't think you even can find any iranian that hasn't watched Tsubasa :goyea:
It's the same for Vicky the Viking, Maja the bee and Heidi for Germans.
Everyone of the previous 2 generations has watched these anime, even those who hate on anime in general or don't know what anime is.

Ot: There's a lot of popular manga I haven't read.
FMA, fairy tail, Attack on Titan, MHA, KnY, Naruto, Detective Conan, Dr Stone , promised neverland, bleach, JJK ...