My First YouTube Video : Please check it out

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Guys this might seem like shameless plug in but I have been in this community a while and I thought I'd share with you guys

I decided to make a YouTube Video, and would love it if Ya'll gave it a watch

If I did a decent job, maybe give me a like and subscribe.

Shit on me in the comments otherwise lol

Going back to acedemia for grad school, would be nice if channel works out

@Albino 👑
@Elder Lee Hung
@Red Admiral
@Fleet Leader Fenaker
@Sasaki Kojirō

the background music is too loud
as far as the first videos goes, this was a fineass video

stay safe from community guild lines.

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!⛩️
Btw I was being pretty sarcastic with all the Oda ass kissing towards the end lmao
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The Sub is very much appreciated my dude

Will work based on that feedback :)
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Who is WorstGenHq btw?

Who ever you are, shout to you.
Appreciate this comment
It's just my instinct but I feel like WorstGenHQ is @Playa4321

I could be wrong though.
Wasn't necessarily overacting, but I did make this video with purpose of comedy.

The rest I will definitely incorporate, next time I make a video.
Hopefully I can get my hands on better equipment.

This was more like an experiment. I came back from the club and recorded over my phone at 1 am.
Then just spending rest of the night downloading video editor, pictures, gifs, creating channel, actually editing and uploading the video.

Very new to video editing, I mean literally very first time I have done it.
You were overacting. Your body moves chaotically and your performance is clumsy while trying to sound funny and charismatic, but again, it's the usual for beginners; the overall feeling is that you're trying too much, hence why there's hardly any second you aren't either moving your head randomly, doing unnecessary hand gestures (some of them seem to be adaptors, which are kinesics we use to liberate stress and regain control over an uncomfortable situation; just like around 0:42, when you touch the zipper of your coat with no reason to) or displacing your body away from the camera. As I mentioned, you will grow more comfortable with talking to the camera, but in this video you're making the usual mistakes amateurs do, including overacting.

Anyways, as you said this was your first try. It gets better the more you practice, so just keep it up and you will improve.
I don't post on youtube so I'll give you my feedback here since you're one of the most positive and respectful people on the site:suresure::

- enthusiasm

- humorous - not my type of humor generally speaking, but statistically you will eventually attract people who are into it

- bad camera angle - looks like the audience is sitting on the curb and you're freestyling on them (with all the hand gestures)

- bad mic - it's your first video so it's likely that you don't have expensive quality gear. But I did have the volume on my phone almost to the max and could still barely get what you were saying

- clarity of speech - Don't take this the wrong way, but do you have a lisp or some other speech impediment? At some points it did sound like it. Anyway, this maybe connects back to the mic issue but you could do with slowing down a bit and making sure your verbiage is clear. Not everyone watches videos with headphones on.
I don't post on youtube so I'll give you my feedback here since you're one of the most positive and respectful people on the site:


- enthusiasm

- humorous - not my type of humor generally speaking, but statistically you will eventually attract people who are into it


- bad camera angle - looks like the audience is sitting on the curb and you're freestyling on them (with all the hand gestures)

- bad mic - it's your first video so it's likely that you don't have expensive quality gear. But I did have the volume on my phone almost to the max and could still barely get what you were saying

- clarity of speech - Don't take this the wrong way, but do you have a lisp or some other speech impediment? At some points it did sound like it. Anyway, this maybe connects back to the mic issue but you could do with slowing down a bit and making sure your verbiage is clear. Not everyone watches videos with headphones on.
Its not lisp but I think high background music volume, me being tipsy and also tired probably have to do with it