My Hero Academia - Chapter 356 : Know Your Enemy

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Light D Lamperouge

𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖊𝖓

Endeavour was fine. Hate to say it lmao, but give props where they are due. I missed the last chapter somehow lol, so it was a good binge.
Damn, Endeavour is Rock Lee done right. If Horikoshi has the balls to have All for One lose to Endy instead of the protagonist (he can keep Super ultra something Shiggy don’t care) I will wank this manga to the moon, even ignoring all the bad parts. Take fucking note Oda, you don’t have to use Luffy to beat everybody that matters.
Like wow, I got chapter 93 flashbacks in mind, Endeavour, not having being blessed with OfA was always second fiddle to All Might, and could never surpass him, so he carried on, both training and trying to have a son with a quirk stronger than his, but here he is, against the one guy that gave AM all these problems, the guy that AM couldn’t finish, this is his one chance to set the record, to the public, to his teammates, but most importantly, to himself, you don’t need to have the fire and ice quirk of your son, you can do this, and finally cement yourself as the (realistical) number one hero.
Goddamn it, tf is wrong with this character? Who the hell is this guy? Why is he getting all this development? Why does a side character have a character arc magnitudes of times more important than the main cast? You can PAINFULLY see that Horikoshi is tired of writing kids, and his real talent is writing adult characters, this shit was crazy, I’m not reading this fight under analytical lenses, but emotional one, and it has been, no joke, a decade since it last happened. I fucking want Endeavour to beat the shit out of AfO


The art was really cool and everything

but man, i gotta say, i almost don't feel anything with MHA anymore :josad:

AFO must be one of the worst villains ever since he stopped being a mysterious figure in the background

Dude is the worst at using his powers, even worse than Kid

and i get the logic, yes he has never trained or evolved his quirks, he just steals them from people and spam

even if it makes sense, it still feels like so boring seeing him in action

I hope Shigaraki will feel better during the final fights

this war is rushing by so fast
Damn, Endeavour is Rock Lee done right. If Horikoshi has the balls to have All for One lose to Endy instead of the protagonist (he can keep Super ultra something Shiggy don’t care) I will wank this manga to the moon, even ignoring all the bad parts. Take fucking note Oda, you don’t have to use Luffy to beat everybody that matters.
??? I don't get this criticism. In the same arc, Big Mum, someone as strong and important as Kaido, lost to someone other than Luffy. I have no idea what your criticism here is about.
Luffy just beat Kaido. Everyone else also did tons of stuff against other meaningful opponents. Most of the side characters in MHA are literally going up against no names or guys who were punks 20 chapters ago.
??? I don't get this criticism. In the same arc, Big Mum, someone as strong and important as Kaido, lost to someone other than Luffy. I have no idea what your criticism here is about.
Luffy just beat Kaido. Everyone else also did tons of stuff against other meaningful opponents. Most of the side characters in MHA are literally going up against no names or guys who were punks 20 chapters ago.
This is outside MHA, so I’ll just reply 1 time to avoid derailing.
Really? You don’t get this criticism? In this very forum, there’s tons of people criticizing Big Mom’s performance in Wano, and even WCI, am I really the first person you saw this? Big Mom is supposedly a character comparable to Kaidou, yet never got the same level of panel quality Kaidou got, she got trolled by half the cast. And her battle where she got defeated? It was a 2v1, so even if it was fair and square, Kid and Law don’t hold a candle to Luffy, not to mention, they required assistance by environmental factors to make sure BM wouldn’t return to whoop their ass. Luffy though? Got not one, not two, but three power ups, all so that he can beat Kaidou, someone he had no business defeating, but he did, because he’s the main character, so to respect that idea (which by the way, isn’t the standard, there are many shonens were the protagonist doesn’t end up as as the very strongest), and finished Kaidou in a 1v1, this all after Oda hyped Kaidou with the 1v1 stuff in the first place. Oda made everything in his power to make Luffy shine several times more that the other characters, including Kid and Law, even pulling a literal Deus ex Machina retcon in the form of Nika, worshipped as a fucking god, turning the entire worldbuilding at this point, with Kaidou at the very top of the (living) pirate world into a joke, inorganic pieces of a game for his self insert Luffy to go around and toy with. Really, you’ve been to WG and never got this criticism? Or does it have something to do with your Luffy avatar?
Really? You don’t get this criticism? In this very forum, there’s tons of people criticizing Big Mom’s performance in Wano, and even WCI, am I really the first person you saw this? Big Mom is supposedly a character comparable to Kaidou, yet never got the same level of panel quality Kaidou got, she got trolled by half the cast.
Yeah, and Kaido got rolled by the nine scabbards for a good while. As well as the supernovas.

The fact that Big Mum was getting effected by half the cast literally contradicts your point, since its emphasizing that minor characters can still do something against the big head honcho's. Most of the characters who did stuff to Big Mum don't stand a chance against her in a one on one fight, but by working together and using the situation to their advantage, they can actually accomplish stuff against her.

Same is true for Kaido.
It was a 2v1, so even if it was fair and square, Kid and Law don’t hold a candle to Luffy, not to mention, they required assistance by environmental factors to make sure BM wouldn’t return to whoop their ass. Luffy though? Got not one, not two, but three power ups, all so that he can beat Kaidou, someone he had no business defeating, but he did, because he’s the main character, so to respect that idea (which by the way, isn’t the standard, there are many shonens were the protagonist doesn’t end up as as the very strongest), and finished Kaidou in a 1v1, this all after Oda hyped Kaidou with the 1v1 stuff in the first place.
This is non-sensical garbage.

Luffy beat Kaido in a one on one after Kaido took a beating from 15 other characters.

Law and Kidd also got significant power ups to beat Big Mum.

Luffy got a similar number respectively when you consider that he fought Kaido alone.

Luffy beating Kaido in a one on one was inevitable, and Luffy definitely went through more than he did for any prior opponent both in terms of actual preparation as well as mid fight improvement to make that victory actually happen.

Oda made everything in his power to make Luffy shine several times more that the other characters, including Kid and Law, even pulling a literal Deus ex Machina retcon in the form of Nika, worshipped as a fucking god, turning the entire worldbuilding at this point, with Kaidou at the very top of the (living) pirate world into a joke, inorganic pieces of a game for his self insert Luffy to go around and toy with.
This is also nonsense.

Luffy even after gaining Nika, was at best, fighting on par with Kaido. If anything, Kaido was still winning the fight. It wasn't an "instant win" at all.

Really, you’ve been to WG and never got this criticism? Or does it have something to do with your Luffy avatar?
Yes, I've been on WG, and I think these criticisms are beyond dumb for the most part, especially in the context of what is happening with MHA.

You can't say "I'm glad that MHA is giving major villains to side characters unlike One Piece", when One Piece literally does that, and your criticism is "actually, it wasn't good enough", and that "Luffy is the chosen one MC", when Deku is literally even more of a chosen one than Luffy was, and the opponent Deku is beating is massively more powerful than the one that Endeavour and CO are fighting.

Big Mum was on par with Kaido. AFO is not on par with Shiggy at all. Luffy has a broken devil fruit power, but Law and Kidd also unlocked broken devil fruit powers. Deku is someone whose quirk is so uniquely special it has several other abilities inside of it.

Again, this complaint makes zero sense at all.