General & Others My problem is not chapter 1044 my problem is Wano as a whole.

6- Zoro mink pill bullshit. The man should had stayed down after the rooftop fight or he should never been on the rooftop.
(And we know that this mink pill bulshit was an asspull because Oda said that the rooftop was not planned and it was his editor idea)
oda should fire his editors, this is why you should never hire a fantards, im surprised he let those stupid editors meddle in his own story.
So another thread on not liking Wano.
What bothers me is Luffy losing a lot only to get up and not have some chapters of despair . I was one of those who are still waiting for the tragedy to end an act, lol.
We are missing a sabaody like low point on the story.
It all started to go down when Denjiro turned out to be an ally.
Killing their own crew members
Just like.....
Caesar Clown
Big Mom Pirates ?

Only exception was maybe Doflamingo and even he wanted Bellamy dead and Lao G tried to kill Baby 5

Mr 3 was far more important to Crocodile than 7K pleasures/Waiters losers are to Kaido and Crocodile made it clear he had no issues killing even stronger agents, Nero could have learned Tekkai and Shigan eventually Yet Lucci killed him and costed the world government a young man with a lot of potential, Moria laughed as Oars killed his General Zombies.

Does anyone here actually read the fucking manga? Jesus fucking christ