Character Discussion Nami is not Greedy

Nami's Mom, Bellmere, died because Nami could not pay for her mother's life.
Wtf? Is not Nami that couldn't pay. It was Bellemere. Nami was just a kid.

Besides that I agree. Nami was never greedy. The money was never for her own. Oda should have change that gag of her.

Just like making Sanji into a pervert when he was suppose to be a gentleman.

And also suddenly drop Luffy bad directions that were even worse than Zoro at Syrup Arc.


Welcome to the House of Hope
If your adopted mom gets killed because she couldn't pay rent,
If your entire village gets brutalized because they can't pay the local mafia that extorts them,
If you are tricked into a deal that says you can "buy" your village's freedom with literal money,
If all of this happens to you as an infant,
It's not a surprise at all that Nami's growth is extremely tied to her putting an enormous amount of importance on "money" and it beomes part of her personality.
If your adopted mom gets killed because she couldn't pay rent,
If your entire village gets brutalized because they can't pay the local mafia that extorts them,
If you are tricked into a deal that says you can "buy" your village's freedom with literal money,
If all of this happens to you as an infant,
It's not a surprise at all that Nami's growth is extremely tied to her putting an enormous amount of importance on "money" and it beomes part of her personality.
Which would tie in with Luffy's dream being to buy the entire world, like some theorized, even though I personally don't think Luffy ever takes money into consideration.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Makin' Bacon Pancakes
If your adopted mom gets killed because she couldn't pay rent,
If your entire village gets brutalized because they can't pay the local mafia that extorts them,
If you are tricked into a deal that says you can "buy" your village's freedom with literal money,
If all of this happens to you as an infant,
It's not a surprise at all that Nami's growth is extremely tied to her putting an enormous amount of importance on "money" and it beomes part of her personality.
Yep, Nami became a money hungry person due to trauma.

Doesn't bother me except when she beats the guys up over it, but, I get it; it's because Nami knows that sometimes, money talks, and people only listen to money. Nami craves money so she can spend it for the people she loves.

Camie's auction is a great example of this, look at the raw horror on Nami's face when she realizes all their money isn't enough to save Camie's life from the Celestial Dragons:

It's the same terror as when Bellemere died.

Nami is an inherently problematic character, and I have no problem with people calling me that out, she is a pirate/thief who has done plenty of bad things in her life.

But, I hate how One Piece fans treat Robin like some precious little angel when she was willing to destroy an entire country to get the Rio Poneglyph, and then act like Nami is some new evil or something. Robin fans hate this one panel.

And I AM SUCH A MASSIVE ROBIN SIMP, but, fuck, yeah, she's done bad things. Robin has done horrible things, Kuzan was right to test her.

That's the whole point of the series, that good and evil are just stupid words used by stupid people, and life is way more complicated than that. People who do cruel things can change and become kind. Robin used to be a horrible person, now I think she's one of the kindest characters in the series.

EOS Socialist Nami?!?!?

CoC: Color of Clowns

Makin' Bacon Pancakes

Nami have naturally become Gold D because of her past.

Hence why She seeks for treasure even if there's no need for it.

It's integral part of her and it's irreversible.

And that's the reason Since she'll Marry a Rich Prince ( Not Luffy or Sanji) at the end
There was once a woman who was Queen of the Pirates. She loved Luffy, and Sanji, and had treasure beyond your wildest dreams. Before she did a Happiness Punch, these were the words she said:

Nami's Mom, Bellmere, died because Nami could not pay for her mother's life.

If your Mom died because you couldn't pay someone, how would you feel?

Nami never wanted money

Nami wanted to be able to pay enough money to keep the people she loved alive

If you treat Nami bad I'll kick your ass

You act like this didn't happen or you didn't read the whole manga?
I like her greedy gags don't take that away from her. It's not like she puts money over her friends but there is nothing wrong for wanting some compensation for all that effort they put to save entire island. Words of gratitude don't pay up the bills of keeping up with fashion trends .
Yep, Nami became a money hungry person due to trauma.

Doesn't bother me except when she beats the guys up over it, but, I get it; it's because Nami knows that sometimes, money talks, and people only listen to money. Nami craves money so she can spend it for the people she loves.

Camie's auction is a great example of this, look at the raw horror on Nami's face when she realizes all their money isn't enough to save Camie's life from the Celestial Dragons:

It's the same terror as when Bellemere died.

Nami is an inherently problematic character, and I have no problem with people calling me that out, she is a pirate/thief who has done plenty of bad things in her life.

But, I hate how One Piece fans treat Robin like some precious little angel when she was willing to destroy an entire country to get the Rio Poneglyph, and then act like Nami is some new evil or something. Robin fans hate this one panel.

And I AM SUCH A MASSIVE ROBIN SIMP, but, fuck, yeah, she's done bad things. Robin has done horrible things, Kuzan was right to test her.

That's the whole point of the series, that good and evil are just stupid words used by stupid people, and life is way more complicated than that. People who do cruel things can change and become kind. Robin used to be a horrible person, now I think she's one of the kindest characters in the series.

EOS Socialist Nami?!?!?
She had just a bad phase

CoC: Color of Clowns

Makin' Bacon Pancakes
Nope she died because she was emotionally unstable and put Arlong's opinion of her motherhood before her children's wellbeing
Bellmere was screwed either way.

Arlong would have found out about Nami and Nojiko either way from talking to people and checking village records. What, some kids are going to outrow Fishmen?

If Bellmere had tried to run, she would have been caught, as well, they weren't escaping Fishmen in the water on a small ass island like that.

Bellmere knew she had to pick between herself or her kids after she failed to kill Arlong, so, she chose her kids.