FUCK THE HEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cronin took an inferior deal and fucked up his own rebuild for scraps just so he could spite the heat. It's a loser move applauded by other losers. What happened to fans hating superstars teaming up? Oh wait, it's fine when it's one of the league's chosen darlings. Dame joins a team...that were already the perennial favourites in the conference and already won a title while said team shamelessly dumps the guy that got them over the hump (despite Jrue literally just yesterday saying he wants to finish his career with the bucks). All this trade does is expose how many utter hypocrites and mindless NPCs make up the larger nba fanbase. Steven Naismith on E!SPN tells you to jump, you say how high. Bill Simmons and his little blogger gang anoint Mahciss Smaht as dpoty, you nod your head like dogs and gift him the trophy only for him to be exposed as an utter fraud in the playoffs as teams attack him. Kendrick Perkins says Jokić is only a MVP candidate because he's white, and right on cue the masses decide it's time to give Joel Hans Embiid a pity MVP only for it to be a laughingstock before the end of the second round.
Cronin will be Rob Hennigan 2.0, a so-called "genius" that will be out of the league in a couple years once it's apparent how badly he's fucked up. He'll be living underneath a bridge, assuming he doesn't jump off one first.
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