Questions & Mysteries Nekomamushi Pre-Emptively Calling out Victory

@Nekomamushi why did you declare victory :pepeanger: explain yourself :pepeanger:

I have the impression that something is wrong - when Luffy fell into the water and we thought he would die, it did not happen - and now everyone announces victory, although something extraordinary is happening (eruption) - Kado and Big Mom (especially Kaido) control all the elements, (fire) - just a moment ago his body was melting everything around and now i'm to believe it's over because they fell into a magma pool ?!?

A little investigation:

In chapter 1048, Kaido melted one of Onigashim's horns with his body temperature.

In order for the fire to burn the bone, it must be around 1200 °C.

Depending on its chemical composition and the content of gases dissolved in it, the magma temperature usually ranges from approx. +650 to approx. +1250 ° C.

Why the eruption took place at all - if the pressure increased, does it mean that Kaido used the form of a fire dragon?

This chapter literally is exactly like 791 and 210. It’s over

next time we see Kaido it’s probably his last moment
its the complete opposite of 791 dude. gyats means something lol.

the whole moment having an announcer and every citizen cheering luffy on and them immediately knowing theyre going to be okay and their country is saved the moment doffy takes the hit and the sun shines down on everything


not a single person in wano knows what happened, they're all scared when momo comes down and think they're going to die, the sky is covered in black smoke and lightning
its the complete opposite of 791 dude. gyats means something lol.

the whole moment having an announcer and every citizen cheering luffy on and them immediately knowing theyre going to be okay and their country is saved the moment doffy takes the hit and the sun shines down on everything


not a single person in wano knows what happened, they're all scared when momo comes down and think they're going to die, the sky is covered in black smoke and lightning
The alliance are literally the citizens in this situation

The whole point of the fire festival for the citizens to enjoy their night and for their wishes to be answered in the background