Rob Lucci kills for fun, that's why he won't join the Straw Hats. So is Caesar, but at least he's funny
I do not think he kills for fun - and we should see his personality more differenciated. I rather think he enjoys fighting.
Are there, aside from that he is an WG-assassin, other hints that make him inadequate for consideration? I mean hints in this arc that depict him as the big bad he was in Water 7 and Enies Lobby, hints that disfavor him?
And please - do not come at me with a reason like: He is missing the quirk:
- He and his pigeon wear matching outfits! (It’s questionable enough that he dresses up Hatori in the first place – it always has to be like a couple-dress-up.)
- He occasionally talks through his pet pigeon!
- He has a goatee that looks like a cat-toy. (- And maybe it is – we don’t know what he does in his free time aside from drinking alcohol and dressing up his pigeon (in exactly that order. I have not the imagination to envision what a deadly assassin does when he is off duty...)