Who will be the next SH?

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It’s not jumping on the train it’s having a fun time speculating and discussing.

Don’t take everything so seriously. And don’t get some intelligence superiority complex, just makes you sound cringe.
Well tbh It's the opposite actually. Not necessarily intelligence but I have symptom of inferiority complex. I feared that I can't show my skill (job wise) cause I'm afraid that's never be enough, that they will never be satisfied with my work. So yeah don't try to analyze me just because I ask some basic sincere question.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Discussion without insults, without hard trolling, without mocking...... without an moron mod surprised at people going for each other throat and it escalating.

Has the dawn finally come? Not until caribou is on screen again.
Yes! I'm surprised you aint causing trouble while simultaneously playing the victim. That aint like you! (Take the bait. Take the bait!!!!)