Who will be the next SH?

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Me personally I think Oda can do whatever he wants and even officially have apprentices join EoS. If Gear 5 and Bonneys recent adventure are anything to go off of, Oda is willing to throw curveballs on basically a whim.
Are we permantely closing this thread when Egghead is over or are we going to have Elbaf copes?
They shouldn‘t have made another nakama thread after they closed the old one when Wano ended. Yet one was made anyways because people just couldn’t stop coping.

I assure you that even after Egghead ends, many people will continue to think we’ll get more SHs all the way to the last arc. They just can’t help themselves.:milaugh:
They shouldn‘t have made another nakama thread after they closed the old one when Wano ended. Yet one was made anyways because people just couldn’t stop coping.

I assure you that even after Egghead ends, many people will continue to think we’ll get more SHs all the way to the last arc. They just can’t help themselves.:milaugh:
Luffy said that he wanted to have at least 10 members. So, even if we had one member join in Egghead, there is technically still room for more crew members - I would find it great, if this thread would continue. I like it here. Even if the conversaions sometimes stray. The straying makes this thread so lovely. :blush:
Luffy said that he wanted to have at least 10 members. So, even if we had one member join in Egghead, there is technically still room for more crew members - I would find it great, if this thread would continue. I like it here. Even if the conversaions sometimes stray. The straying makes this thread so lovely. :blush:
Yeah, I think we'll keep on speculating till the final war :)
Luffy said that he wanted to have at least 10 members. So, even if we had one member join in Egghead, there is technically still room for more crew members - I would find it great, if this thread would continue. I like it here. Even if the conversaions sometimes stray. The straying makes this thread so lovely. :blush:
I didn’t make this clear in my previous comment but what I was trying to get at is that they shouldn’t have closed the old nakama thread in the first place if they weren’t gonna commit to it and make a new one.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
I watched a few of his videos just now. It is interesting, what he comes up with, considering he is just applying connections through numbers. Thank you for the reference. The part with Stussy is something that I agree upon. I hope Oda will not handle her as being too much of a bad girl, since she has a rather deep and lovely looking connection to Vegapunk. But she is not on the SHP's side at the moment. Otherwise she would not have informed Akainu about the SHPs being on Egghead. This way she made it more difficult for her father to flee the island.

If you like Lucci: I know, it may sound strange and really crazy, since Lucci seems to be on the WG's side again. But trust me: If I say that I think, he will join the SHPs as the 11th crew member, than this would be still an understatement. I know - for myself - he will join. There are so many hints pointing towards him (Oda's Gorowase, Jinbe's reference about the last seat on the Sunny in chapter 979, Laffitte of the BB-crew being Lucci's counterpart, Luffy never calling him by his real name, Lucci striking down Stussy, Oda's disregard for Zoro's and Lucci's fight after he went to the hastle of letting Lucci and Luffy become allys, etc. [I could go on indefinitely with the many hints that I find...])
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I never watched John Wick - what happened in the film? I heard there are 4 - which one do you mean?

I was really afraid that Hattoi would die on Egghead at first. Until Luffy said in the live action that he wanted 10 crew members - and a bird. I really felt releaved that Oda decided for the best pigeon in the One Piece-world to live and not die as a sacrafice for drama. :yearight:
John Wick started with some dumb gangster's kid attacking John Wick, a famous assassin, stealing his car, and killing his dog. They didn't realize who he was, and it turns out his dog was a gift from his dead wife to remember her and help him get over his grief.

So, basically, John Wick is an assassin who went after an entire crime group over his dog getting killed, so Lucci doing the same with Hattori dying would be interesting to me.

Lucci turns against the WG, JUST BECAUSE they fucked with his pigeon.

I still think we might see a reveal on Egghead that causes Saturn to go full scorched earth and try to eliminate everyone present using the Seraphim and Pacifista.
John Wick started with some dumb gangster's kid attacking John Wick, a famous assassin, stealing his car, and killing his dog. They didn't realize who he was, and it turns out his dog was a gift from his dead wife to remember her and help him get over his grief.

So, basically, John Wick is an assassin who went after an entire crime group over his dog getting killed, so Lucci doing the same with Hattori dying would be interesting to me.

Lucci turns against the WG, JUST BECAUSE they fucked with his pigeon.

I still think we might see a reveal on Egghead that causes Saturn to go full scorched earth and try to eliminate everyone present using the Seraphim and Pacifista.
Unpopular opinion: assassin characters are lame
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Oh right, I'm confusing it with the selfie thread💀