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Jinbe apologizing to Lucci is VERY interesting to me.

Jinbe is a Warlord, and his diplomatic skills and knowledge of power structures is so thorough that Topman Warcury was impressed enough to comment directly on Jinbe's efforts bridging the gap between Fish-Men and humanity.

Jinbe should be WELL AWARE that Lucci and Kaku are slaves to the WG.

Lucci is a murderous asshole, but that's how he was raised. I'm going to be putting a theory out on this, so, I won't go full into detail, but Lucci to me is a product of Garling and Garp.

Like Garling, Lucci enjoys "hunting" people for sport. He's filled with a natural bloodlust, that was only ehnanced by his Carnivorous Zoan.

Garp and Garling are enemies, and hate each other. Garp is known to protect everyone he views with respect, even mountain bandits like Dadan. And Garling?

"Stand up for sub-human scum, and you sink even LOWER!"

IMO, Garling kidnapped Dragon's wife, Laffy, the forced her into a marriage. Garling did the same with Ginny; Garling wanted to "complete the hunt" by killing Ginny, and used Bonney to lure Kuma to Saturn. So, Garling intentionally infected Bonney with Sapphire Scale, because he knew Kuma would have to seek out Vegapunk, the only person who can cure the disease.

Garling did the same with Laffy. Dragon was a Marine who saved Luffy's mom from a human hunt held by Garling in the Goa Kingdom. This is what caused the creation of Gray Terminal in the Goa Kingdom in the first place. Dadan is most likely also a survivor of this hunt.

Garp named Dragon after the Celestial Dragons to piss them off. We know Garling hates this, as at God Valley a Celestial Dragon stated that people naming things after the gods pisses them off. Garling hates Dragon JUST BECAUSE HIS NAME IS DRAGON.

Since Garp and Dragon were in the Marines, Garling couldn't touch them.

So, Garling annexed Goa Kingdom, held a hunt, and tried to murder Laffy, Dragon's wife. Dragon, furious, fought back, and was enslaved along with this wife in Mary Geoise. Laffy died giving birth to Luffy, Garling's son, and Dragon, in rage, rescued Luffy, and fled Mary Geoise. I believe Dragon also got his scar from Garling, and that his burn mark is some kind of brand the Celestial Dragons use for those who try to take the title of god or dragon. Luffy contracted Sapphire Scales, and was going to die from it. So, Vegapunk cured Luffy, and then Dragon gave Luffy to Garp, and told him to make Luffy into a Marine so that Luffy could change the Marines from within. Since Luffy has the blood of a Celestial Dragon, Garp could protect Luffy from the WG if he became a Marine (Rosinante fits this too).

This is why Dragon said what he said about Luffy being a Pirate; he wanted Luffy to be a Marine, like Garp wanted.

Dragon loves Luffy as his son, even though he's Garling's biological child, like Kuma with Bonney. Shanks chose to raise Luffy, his father's bastard child, and protect him.

It's like Naruto if the Hidden Leaf Village wasn't full of assholes.

Anyway, Rob Lucci is Luffy's half brother. Like Luffy, his mother died giving birth to him. BUT Lucci was raised by the WG, and became... well, evil.

Garling raised Lucci, another bastard child, to be a murderous monster, and told him that he could only exist in this world through killing. BUT, Garp, who instructs WG soldiers in Rokushiki, taught Lucci, and helped him become kind. IMO Hattori was probably a gift Garp got Lucci to teach him how to love.

When Lucci is fighting Luffy, he tells Luffy that he wants to tell a certain idiot about Luffy, and that he's fit to be captain. That idiot is Garp, Lucci's teacher. Like Aokiji and Koby, Lucci has heard Garp bitch about his kid becoming a criminal for YEARS.

Jinbe knows Lucci through Garp (remember that Garp is friendly with Neptune, Shirahoshi, and Fish-Man Island), and knows Lucci isn't a bad guy. Jinbe and Lucci have probably talked before, as well.

Jinbe: "I'm surprised that someone as... ruthless as you views me as a person, Rob Lucci. I would have though you would view me as nothing but meat, to be frank."

Lucci: "I prefer human blood, to be frank. But, Garp told me I could trust you, and Garp taught me what justice is. You're a pirate, sure, but, you serve justice. You clearly wish for there to be peace; you are not my enemy, Jinbe, Knight of the Sea. I'm an assassin, who commits acts of evil in the name of dark justice, to maintain that same peace. Besides... it would be foolish, to act like you're lesser, just because you're an animal. I am a Zoan, after all. I identify as both man and beast. Hattori is the closest thing I've had to a friend, and he's a pigeon. So what if you're a fish. As long as you can understand my justice, I can understand you."

Jinbe knows what it's like to be a slave, to be an orphan. To Jinbe, Rob Lucci isn't a monster, but a tragic hero.

Jack, an orphan Fish-Man, was the person to help Kaido discover the Road Poneglyph. This means Jack also likely knows about Pluton.

Jinbe the Fish-Man will work with Lucci to stop Blackbeard from gaining Pluton, as Blackbeard will plan to use Pluton to attack Fish-Man Island to kidnap Shirahoshi, who Jinbe promised to protect in Otohime's stead.

I also am now officially shipping Vivi with Lucci, because this also makes Vivi Luffy's sister-in-law, since Lucci is Luffy's half brother.

Rob Lucci for Nakama.

You're awesome, Rambles. Keep Ramblin! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

What a fucking world.

Forgot to mention this makes Shanks Luffy's half brother, which is really cool.
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Don't do this to me :josad:

I refuse to think she is dead!

Stussy's in the basement with Cipher Pol (she's one of the agents amongst the 85 Lucci mentioned) and the Seraphim.

Stussy vs Mars incoming. Jinbe will help her fight him because they can't let the Gorosei take control of the Seraphim, or they're fucked.

Stussy turned the Cipher Pol agents onto her side by telling them the Ancient History, so they now are all doomed to be executed


With Vegapunk dead and Kuma almost dead, Pacifista being slain like mosquitos, while WG is going after her, Bonney stonks rising for a nakama or?

Also, @Rambles Lucci keeps on defying your theories.
Bonney may likely join but Kuma may travel with them, since I believe that they will need his power to travel back to Fishman Island at some point in order to fulfill Madame Shyrley's prophecy and destroy Fishman Island, unless the man wearing a straw hat in her vision is another villain. They might also need Kuma's power to travel to Mariejois to confront Imu or destroy the Red Line.

Jinbe apologizing to Lucci is VERY interesting to me.

Jinbe is a Warlord, and his diplomatic skills and knowledge of power structures is so thorough that Topman Warcury was impressed enough to comment directly on Jinbe's efforts bridging the gap between Fish-Men and humanity.

Jinbe should be WELL AWARE that Lucci and Kaku are slaves to the WG.

Lucci is a murderous asshole, but that's how he was raised. I'm going to be putting a theory out on this, so, I won't go full into detail, but Lucci to me is a product of Garling and Garp.

Like Garling, Lucci enjoys "hunting" people for sport. He's filled with a natural bloodlust, that was only ehnanced by his Carnivorous Zoan.

Garp and Garling are enemies, and hate each other. Garp is known to protect everyone he views with respect, even mountain bandits like Dadan. And Garling?

"Stand up for sub-human scum, and you sink even LOWER!"

IMO, Garling kidnapped Dragon's wife, and Garp's daughter, Laffy, the forced her into a marriage. Garling did the same with Ginny; Garling wanted to "complete the hunt" by killing Ginny, and used Bonney to lure Kuma to Saturn. So, Garling intentionally infected Bonney with Sapphire Scale, because he knew Kuma would have to seek out Vegapunk, the only person who can cure the disease.

Garling did the same with Laffy. Dragon was a Marine who saved Luffy's mom from a human hunt held by Garling in the Goa Kingdom. This is what caused the creation of Gray Terminal in the Goa Kingdom in the first place. Dadan is most likely also a survivor of this hunt.

Garp named Dragon after the Celestial Dragons to piss them off. We know Garling hates this, as at God Valley a Celestial Dragon stated that people naming things after the gods pisses them off. Garling hates Dragon JUST BECAUSE HIS NAME IS DRAGON.

Since Garp and Dragon were in the Marines, Garling couldn't touch them.

So, Garling annexed Goa Kingdom, held a hunt, and tried to murder Laffy, Dragon's wife. Dragon, furious, fought back, and was enslaved along with this wife in Mary Geoise. Laffy died giving birth to Luffy, Garling's son, and Dragon, in rage, rescued Luffy, and fled God Valley. Luffy contracted Sapphire Scales, and was going to die from it. So, Vegapunk cured Luffy, and then Dragon gave Luffy to Garp, and told him to make Luffy into a Marine so that Luffy could change the Marines from within. Since Luffy has the blood of a Celestial Dragon, Garp could protect Luffy from the WG if he became a Marine (Rosinante fits this too).

This is why Dragon said what he said about Luffy being a Pirate; he wanted Luffy to be a Marine, like Garp wanted.

Dragon loves Luffy as his son, even though he's Garling's biological child, like Kuma with Bonney. Shanks chose to raise Luffy, his father's bastard child, and protect him.

It's like Naruto if the Hidden Leaf Village wasn't full of assholes.

Anyway, Rob Lucci is Luffy's half brother. Like Luffy, his mother died giving birth to him. BUT Lucci was raised by the WG, and became... well, evil.

Garling raised Lucci, another bastard child, to be a murderous monster, and told him that he could only exist in this world through killing. BUT, Garp, who instructs WG soldiers in Rokushiki, taught Lucci, and helped him become kind. IMO Hattori was probably a gift Garp got Lucci to teach him how to love.

When Lucci is fighting Luffy, he tells Luffy that he wants to tell a certain idiot about Luffy, and that he's fit to be captain. That idiot is Garp, Lucci's teacher. Like Aokiji and Koby, Lucci has heard Garp bitch about his kid becoming a criminal for YEARS.

Jinbe knows Lucci through Garp (remember that Garp is friendly with Neptune, Shirahoshi, and Fish-Man Island), and knows Lucci isn't a bad guy. Jinbe and Lucci have probably talked before, as well.

Jinbe: "I'm surprised that someone as... ruthless as you views me as a person, Rob Lucci. I would have though you would view me as nothing but meat, to be frank."

Lucci: "I prefer human blood, to be frank. But, Garp told me I could trust you, and Garp taught me what justice is. You're a pirate, sure, but, you serve justice. You clearly wish for there to be peace; you are not my enemy, Jinbe, Knight of the Sea. I'm an assassin, who commits acts of evil in the name of dark justice, to maintain that same peace. Besides... it would be foolish, to act like you're lesser, just because you're an animal. I am a Zoan, after all. I identify as both man and beast. Hattori is the closest thing I've had to a friend, and he's a pigeon. So what if you're a fish. As long as you can understand my justice, I can understand you."

Jinbe knows what it's like to be a slave, to be an orphan. To Jinbe, Rob Lucci isn't a monster, but a tragic hero.

Jack, an orphan Fish-Man, was the person to help Kaido discover the Road Poneglyph. This means Jack also likely knows about Pluton.

Jinbe the Fish-Man will work with Lucci to stop Blackbeard from gaining Pluton, as Blackbeard will plan to use Pluton to attack Fish-Man Island to kidnap Shirahoshi, who Jinbe promised to protect in Otohime's stead.

I also am now officially shipping Vivi with Lucci, because this also makes Vivi Luffy's sister-in-law, since Lucci is Luffy's half brother.

Rob Lucci for Nakama.

You're awesome, Rambles. Keep Ramblin! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

What a fucking world.

Hell yeah man!

Amazing theory and connections!
Hell yeah man!

Amazing theory and connections!
I've come to realize I've HEAVILY underrated the importance of Goa Kingdom in the series narrative.

The flashback to Goa Kingdom after Ace died was about Ace and Sabo, yes, but, it was also about showing how the Goa Kingdom works. We know Dragon has bad blood there, too, so I've been trying to think of how the Celestial Dragons could have fucked the place up so bad to piss Dragon off this bad.

Simplest answer; they made his wife a slave.
:beckmoji: no she's not!

Stussy's in the basement with Cipher Pol (she's one of the agents amongst the 85 Lucci mentioned) and the Seraphim.

Stussy vs Mars incoming. Jinbe will help her fight him because they can't let the Gorosei take control of the Seraphim, or they're fucked.

Stussy turned the Cipher Pol agents onto her side by telling them the Ancient History, so they now are all doomed to be executed

I like this theory better!

Bonney may likely join but Kuma may travel with them, since I believe that they will need his power to travel back to Fishman Island at some point in order to fulfill Madame Shyrley's prophecy and destroy Fishman Island, unless the man wearing a straw hat in her vision is another villain. They might also need Kuma's power to travel to Mariejois to confront Imu or destroy the Red Line.
That's an interesting theory! I'm still 50/50 on Kuma surviving all of that, but there's a chance he does, and if he does survive+regain his will, he might be very useful with his teleportation ability.

Too bad that such kind of abilities are usually too hax for the main cast to have, because they can be anywhere then including picking Yamato, Carrot or any other wannabe SH