Who will be the Next Strawhat?

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Honestly, at this point, I think it's Bonney or no one. If there's another nakama, they have to join by the end of egghead. There's no time for anything after that since Blackbeard is next. Hancock might still show up, but Egghead isn't about her, and she still needs her own arc. If it's someone currently on the island, then it's between Bonney, Vegapunk, and Smoker. It's possible Smoker isn't even here, and Vegapunk shows no Strawhat potential so far. Imo Bonney is the last hope for one more nakama. If she doesn't join, then Oda blue balled us with Yamato for no reason and Jinbei was the last one.
Yeah, best Carrot'll get is some panels of leading some Minks in the final war and maybe some clashes and such. Also when Zunesha opens up Wano's borders I guess. But her joining is gone.

Yamato is staying to protect Wano, to see the country and then perhaps will show up later on down the line but joining seems a bit much at this point. Yamato being a formidable ally works fine to be honest. I wanted to see Yamato vs a Blackbeard Pirate but I don't see why the whole needing to protect Wano thing would disappear prior to the final war when Pluton might come into play. Maybe Oda will give a good deal of focus to Yamato when the time comes and we could see Yamato vs Gion or something but why have the character stay in Wano to ultimately join even later into the story?

Now Vivi has to join back up (not really but I hope so). She's in a good deal of trouble and I could see her joining for the end of Luffy's journey before taking her role as leader of Alabasta (I don't really see how she'd be able to lead her country until Luffy beats Im if the latter really wants Vivi for whatever reasons so sailing with Luffy seems like decent protection).

Bonney just seems like she's taking up Law's role as a Supernova ally that's getting a good deal of focus while her plotlines overlap with Luffy's journey. I haven't seen much to give me the impression she's joining but maybe.

Overall, Vivi's the only one I'm betting on. The rest could easily just serve their roles as part of the Grand Fleet or simply as allies in the final war.
Yeah, best Carrot'll get is some panels of leading some Minks in the final war and maybe some clashes and such. Also when Zunesha opens up Wano's borders I guess. But her joining is gone.
You're underestimating Carrot.

Her last scene was literally


That's gonna be important. Otherwise, she would have gotten a normal good bye. Not this inconclusive last scene where she was being forced to take a role she didn't want.

Even if she doesn't join the crew(which I think she absolutely will), she will get more focus on that decision. We will learn why she chose what she chose.
You're underestimating Carrot.

Her last scene was literally


That's gonna be important. Otherwise, she would have gotten a normal good bye. Not this inconclusive last scene where she was being forced to take a role she didn't want.

Even if she doesn't join the crew(which I think she absolutely will), she will get more focus on that decision. We will learn why she chose what she chose.
I hope you're right but with the way Oda handled her in Wano, I don't expect a whole lot.

I'm sure we'll get insight on her perspective when she reappears but as for her joining or being super relevant, I can't see it at this point. I'd love for her to join but I see no reason to have her stay at Zou then reappear unless she's post-poning her responsibilities which could've been shown by now, seeing as the Straw Hats are at their next adventure already.

I could see Pedro's will being brought up again as well as her getting some focus in the final war but I'm not sure about all you're predicting. We'll see, I hope you're right.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Honestly, at this point, I think it's Bonney or no one. If there's another nakama, they have to join by the end of egghead. There's no time for anything after that since Blackbeard is next. Hancock might still show up, but Egghead isn't about her, and she still needs her own arc. If it's someone currently on the island, then it's between Bonney, Vegapunk, and Smoker. It's possible Smoker isn't even here, and Vegapunk shows no Strawhat potential so far. Imo Bonney is the last hope for one more nakama. If she doesn't join, then Oda blue balled us with Yamato for no reason and Jinbei was the last one.
There’s an 80 percent chance Bonney will be a Revolutionary by the end of this arc, and if Dragon makes a physical appearance in Egghead, that number jumps to 100 percent :risicheck:
Be like the rest of us at this point :milaugh:

Post memes and don't take it too seriously. The whole new nakama thing is probably over honestly.
I don't really take it seriously, but I still want to have actual discussions. The nakama debate is the only thing keeping me here. Once someone joins or it's clear no one will, I'm leaving the site. I thought that meant I would be done at the end of Wano, but here we are.:josad:
I don't really take it seriously, but I still want to have actual discussions. The nakama debate is the only thing keeping me here. Once someone joins or it's clear no one will, I'm leaving the site. I thought that meant I would be done at the end of Wano, but here we are.:josad:
It's the most interesting thing in the manga rn, Oda lit a fuse on everyone's asses with all these bait SH candidates and just bailed like it was nothing.

Pretty dumb writting tbh :kayneshrug:
It's interesting that Pudding and Van Auger were on the cover story and main story during the same chapter. IIRC that hasn't been done before. This could be foreshadowing that other characters from Whole Cake Island returning to the main story soon.

Firetank Pirates just had a cover story that showed Pound was alive.

Perhaps the "Big Mom" Pirates return as not all of the Strawhats battled on Tottoland.

Will Pekoms fate be answered with this cover story?


Kuma being from special people came out of nowhere. Special people as in the Revolutionaries or a special race or something else? And I'm having doubts Kuma is Bonney's biological father. She never seen a Pacifista before is the only reason for mistaken one for her father. Does he have a Bible? Does he have a Paw on each hand? Then that's your daddy! Automatic disqualification.

Still waiting for an Emerald City reference (Bellamy on Jaya) for Egghead. Vegapunk having qualities like the Wizard of Oz seems probable.
It's interesting that Pudding and Van Auger were on the cover story and main story during the same chapter. IIRC that hasn't been done before. This could be foreshadowing that other characters from Whole Cake Island returning to the main story soon.

Firetank Pirates just had a cover story that showed Pound was alive.

Perhaps the "Big Mom" Pirates return as not all of the Strawhats battled on Tottoland.

Will Pekoms fate be answered with this cover story?


Kuma being from special people came out of nowhere. Special people as in the Revolutionaries or a special race or something else? And I'm having doubts Kuma is Bonney's biological father. She never seen a Pacifista before is the only reason for mistaken one for her father. Does he have a Bible? Does he have a Paw on each hand? Then that's your daddy! Automatic disqualification.

Still waiting for an Emerald City reference (Bellamy on Jaya) for Egghead. Vegapunk having qualities like the Wizard of Oz seems probable.
Pedro's not coming back. Move on man:josad:
It's interesting that Pudding and Van Auger were on the cover story and main story during the same chapter. IIRC that hasn't been done before. This could be foreshadowing that other characters from Whole Cake Island returning to the main story soon.

Firetank Pirates just had a cover story that showed Pound was alive.

Perhaps the "Big Mom" Pirates return as not all of the Strawhats battled on Tottoland.

Will Pekoms fate be answered with this cover story?


Kuma being from special people came out of nowhere. Special people as in the Revolutionaries or a special race or something else? And I'm having doubts Kuma is Bonney's biological father. She never seen a Pacifista before is the only reason for mistaken one for her father. Does he have a Bible? Does he have a Paw on each hand? Then that's your daddy! Automatic disqualification.

Still waiting for an Emerald City reference (Bellamy on Jaya) for Egghead. Vegapunk having qualities like the Wizard of Oz seems probable.