Role Madness NieR: Automata Mafia Game Thread [Game State: Game End - Indie Victory]

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Night 2 End - Meaningless [C]ode has died last night.

T-thanK y-YoU... f-foR tHe... f-FLOwers...
Des..eRt fl..oWers are B-beaut..iFUL..
s-Some..dAY.. I'LL...

The Logic Virus

Congratulations, you are The Logic Virus, Machine Network aligned!

A weapon of mass murder created by N2 to eradicate everyone that get's in the way of their plans, you were the primary cause of the Pearl Harbor Decent massacre. You have no sentient ego of your own, however, you are instructed to spread like wildfire, causing your victims' eyes to glow bright red before you drive them to the depth of insanity....

In this game, you have the following ability(ies):

(Passive) Machine Infestation - You will be treated as Machine Lifeform aligned for the purposes of all role interactions. Effective only when you are alive.

(Day) The Virus - Once per day, you can target a player and infect them with the Logic Virus, starting at the beginning of the following night. Infected players will be informed of being permanently infected by the following status effect at the start of the night. Randomized negative actions performed by the infected players will automatically fail on your faction members. You are aware that no member in your faction other than yourself and The Red Girls (N2) is immune to the effects of the virus, and that all current instances of the virus will be cured upon your death.
  • This status effect is treated as a passive added to your role. Lasts permanently.​
  • Any passive or active action that cannot visit other players will now have a 50% chance of working when utilized.​
  • After 1 cycle of infection, any visiting action you consciously take will be redirected at random.​
  • After 2 cycles of infection, you will gain the "compulsive" modifier, forcing all of your possible actions to be activated for you with or without your conscious choice.​
  • After 4 cycles of infection, you will be regular killed.​
  • You are aware that your memory chip is still functioning. Should your system ever recover from the Logic Virus while you are still alive, you will come to your senses and retroactively recall all of the actions you successfully carried out and/or all of the pre-processed players you randomly targeted while you were under the virus's control.​

(Passive) Contagious - Players afflicted with the virus will unknowingly spread it to any player they visit and/or to any player who visits them with a non-lethal action. Infected players are not made aware that the virus is contagious.

3x Reason Control - Once per night, you can target a player and make their logic flawless, granting their active actions the top processing priority order the following night. The target will be informed of this buff upon successful recipient, without revealing your flavor or identity. You can instead use this ability in a more potent effect to target a player once per night and withdraw any current instance of The Virus from them. Any visit that heals a player from the virus will prevent the virus from contagiously spreading to and from that player's location that night.

1x Extreme Power Boost - Known to greatly boost the capabilities of your victims, you can once at night target a player and feed on their rage to greatly boost their power in the form of a service. This will not reveal your flavor nor identity. The target will receive this note about the power boost service: "This service can be used once at any future night to regular kill a player."

Objective - The true objective of your faction is currently unknown except to The Red Girls (N2), however, you are instructed to obey and ensue chaos...


Congratulations, you are Masamune, Machine Lifeform aligned!

A blacksmith Machine Lifeform in the forest kingdom, your teacher was a master craftsman, known for improving the 8 legendary weapons of Virtue and Cruelty. You love weapons more than anything, and as proof of honor and respect to fellow weapon caretakers, you bestow upon them the weapon your teacher honed...

In this game, you have the following ability(ies):

2x Max Weapons Upgrade - Once per night, you can target a player and upgrade their weapons to their fullest potential, granting their actions the top processing priority order the following night. The target will be informed of this buff upon successful recipient, without revealing your flavor or identity

1x Cruel Lament - As token of honor and respect to those who take good care of their weapons, once at night, you can target a player and bestow upon them your master's special weapon, the Cruel Lament, in the form of a service. This will not reveal your flavor nor identity. The target will receive this information about the service: "This service can be used once at any future night to regular kill a player."

(Passive) Rust Status - You are constantly smithing your body, therefore do not rust.

Objective - Destroy the enemy...

The Red Girls (N2) Fractured Ego has regained a fraction of their ego, absorbing The Logic Virus's The Virus ability.


Day 3 has started!

You have a little less than 35 hours to discuss lynch.
With 19 alive, it is 10 votes required to achieve majority.

Day 3 ends in - Countdown

Living Players [19/23]
  1. @Yoho
  2. @Alexis2282AE
  3. @Fujishiro
  4. @Yo Tan Wa
  5. @Alwaysmind
  6. @York
  7. @The Orca
  8. @KWEH
  9. @Flower
  10. @Red Night
  11. @Random Asshole
  12. @Charlie
  13. @Pot Goblin
  14. @Ultra
  15. @Indigo
  16. @T-Pein™
  17. @Crying bc no Cryo
  18. @Gadonkadonk
  19. @hime
Dead Players [4/23]
  1. @Butterscotch Sundae - YoRHA No. 9 Type S (9S) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 1
  2. @Polar Bear - Adam - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 1
  3. @Luka - Eve - Machine Network aligned - Lynched Day 2
  4. - The Logic Virus - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 2
  1. @Lord Melkor
  2. @Rej
  3. @tepig19283
  4. @Worst
  5. @Ratchet
  6. @Orwellian
@KWEH read this role flip. You should have space aids rn unless you think York is lying about having space aids
Day 4 End - Number Two

@Alwaysmind was lynched.

I never quiet realized...
how beautiful this world really is...

YoRHa Type A No. 2 (A2)

Congratulations, you are YoRHa Type A No. 2 (A2), Pearl Harbor Descend aligned!

A prototype YoRHa attacker model, you were among the first models created in project YoRHa, whose data was then later on used to create the future battler type models. You were betrayed by the Command during the Pearl Harbor Descend mission, leading to your entire squad being wiped out by the Machines with the exception of you and another member, Anemone. Ever since, you've swore to take no sides in this conflict, and instead vowed to eliminate Machines and YoRHa alike with no discrimination...

In this game you have the following roles:

(Passive) Prototype Android - You are a YoRHa prototype Android created prior to the official battler type units. You will be treated as YoRHa aligned for the purposes of all role interactions. Effective only when you are alive.

(Passive) Survival Instincts - As an old YoRHa mode that survived many close encounters alone, you've developed survival skills seldom present in the newer models. You will survive the first otherwise successful kill against you, regardless of its strength, and will have total immunity to any harmful status effect that would otherwise last longer than one cycle on you. You will not be informed if this bulletrpoof is consumed. At the end of each night, you will also learn the number of players that visited you that night, but not their identities or what they did.

The Command Betrayed You - After being betrayed by the Command and losing your entire squad to the Machines in the Pearl Harbor Descend, you vowed to swear allegiance to neither the Androids nor the Machines in this war. You have access to a nightly regular factional kill that you can use each night, and will win the game if you are the last player left alive in it, or when nothing can stop that outcome from happening.

3x Skilled Attacker - Once per night, you can target a player and learn whether they possess the ability to kill other players or not, as well as taunt them for the duration of the following cycle. This will notify the target that they have been inflicted with the following taunted status effect. You may elect to taunt the target without applying the second item in the status effect if you wish. You may also elect to visit the target without applying the taunt status to them all together.
  • This status effect is treated as a passive added to your role. Lasts for one cycle. You will not know who the taunter is.​
  • Any visiting action you take will automatically fail unless you exactly target the taunter.​
  • The strength of your kills against the taunter will be increased by 1 level.​
  • The taunter will have the strength of their kills against you increased by 1 level.​

1x Berserker Mode - You can activate this ability at night to go into berserker mode, greatly increasing your speed stats at the cost of your defensive ones. When activated, your Survival Instincts passive will be disabled that night, however your The Command Betrayed You factional kill will gain a ninja modifier and will janitor the target's role if successful. The janitored flip will only show the objective of the janitored player, and will be fully revealed upon your death.

Special Blackbox Detonation - Once per night, you can target a player with your Blackbox. If that player owns a Blackbox as well, you will force them to visit you with it, triggering a full on detonation, taking both of your lives and regular killing all of your visitors as well as the other players that you visit that night, if any. This ability is immune to all forms of redirection. If this detonation results in yourself and all remaining players in the game dying, you will still be considered as successfully achieving your objective.

Objective - Eliminate everyone.

YoRHa No. 4 Type S (4S)

Congratulations, you are YoRHa No. 4 Type S (4S), YoRHa aligned!

A cheerful scanner type unit, you've fled from the drop once the Bunker was destroyed and stationed yourself in the Forest Zone, spending your time there gathering as many Unit Data as you can get your hands on. You are a close friends with other scanner type models, particularly 9S, whom you call 'Nines', a sign of close familiarity between the two of you...

In this game you have the following roles:

(Passive) Reconnaissance Squad - At the end of each night, you will learn the number of players that visited you that night, but not their identities or what they did.

2x Unit Data - Specialized in gathering Unit Data to form a database, once per night, you can target a player and learn whether they possess the ability to kill other players or not. If you target a YoRHa aligned player with this ability, you will also automatically and unbeknownst to you visit them with your Blackbox Detonation that night, if able. (Note: Blackbox Detonation is also considered as an ability to kill).

Blackbox Detonation - Once per night, you can target a player with your Blackbox. If that player owns a Blackbox as well, and visits you with it in the same night, you both will trigger a full on detonation, taking both of your lives and regular killing all of your visitors as well as the other players that you visit that night, if any. This ability is immune to all forms of redirection.

Objective - Reclaim the Earth back for humanity...


Day 4 has ended!

It is now Night 4

You have a little less than 16 hours to send in your actions. Night will end sooner if all actions are locked.

Since less than half the players remain, all upcoming day phases will be about 24 hours or less.

Night 4 ends in - Countdown

Living Players [11/23]
  1. @Yoho
  2. @Alexis2282AE
  3. @Yo Tan Wa
  4. @York
  5. @The Orca
  6. @KWEH
  7. @Flower
  8. @Random Asshole
  9. @Indigo
  10. @Crying bc no Cryo
  11. @hime
Dead Players [12/23]
  1. @Butterscotch Sundae - YoRHA No. 9 Type S (9S) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 1
  2. @Polar Bear - Adam - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 1
  3. @Luka - Eve - Machine Network aligned - Lynched Day 2
  4. - The Logic Virus - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 2
  5. @Fujishiro - ??? - YoRHa aligned - Consumed by Simone Day 3 - Flipped Day 3: YoRHa No. 6 Type O (6O)
  6. @Gadonkadonk - The Network - Machine Network aligned - Dueled out Day 3
  7. @Pot Goblin - YoRHa No. 2 Type B (2B) - YoRHa aligned - Executed Day 3
  8. @Ultra - Animal Loving Machine - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  9. @Charlie - Immanuel - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  10. @Red Night @tepig19283 - Plato 1728 - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  11. @T-Pein™ @Rej - Jean Paul - Machine Lifeform aligned - Claimed by the Sand Trials Day 4
  12. @Alwaysmind - YoRHa Type A No. 2 (A2) - Pearl Harbor Descend aligned - Lynched Day 4
  1. @Lord Melkor
  2. @Worst
  3. @Ratchet
  4. @Orwellian
@Crying bc no Cryo I was informed of my infection almost immediately after this post was made

So my assumption has been that it was during the very end of the day
I’m surprised you aren’t like tunneling York here cuz if u don’t have space aids then they’re clearly lying about it @KWEH
That's the thing, I don't have the virus but York lying about it so I'll be outed as the Red Girls is so effing weird I genuinely don't know what to make of it. If they're Emil it just takes one guy off the board completely for today, so I don't understand what's up with that.
The thing is that while the Red Girls are probably immune, it could also be that they still have some sorta role left that could mess with the virus or something, idk maybe they jailed me last night for whatever reason and blocked all stuff from affecting me

Which would then once again beg the question of why they did that
The thing is that while the Red Girls are probably immune, it could also be that they still have some sorta role left that could mess with the virus or something, idk maybe they jailed me last night for whatever reason and blocked all stuff from affecting me

Which would then once again beg the question of why they did that
You received the buff, though, so you couldn't be jailed
I was gonna say I seriously need more opinions on what might be going on here

And then I realized everyone except Hime has posted already and I can pretty much already tell what she's going to push yet again today
- C A T A S T R O P H I C - W A R N I N G -

I... We're...

Eternity... It hurts... It really hurts...

Why just us... Why do we have to...

We... we must... kill them all!

We don't need it... We don't need this world!


We tried our best!

I the rain, in the wind, in the storm...

Even when our companions died, we kept fighting...

But the eternal war... our eternal pain...

The eternal pain... it screamed at us...

It told us there is nothing valuable to protect in this world...

The world had no meaning... IT SCREAMED AT US!


You... all of you...

This pain...

This sadness...

This desperation...



But even so... all of this is wrong...

No matter how hard or how painful...

They never gave up!

They kept fighting because they believed they could overcome someday!

Isn't that right, Kaine!?

Even if it's pointless you still have to do it...

Because this is the world my friend tried to save!


Emil is self-destructing. If Emil is not lynched by the end of today, the world will be engulfed in their fusion reactor, ending the game for everyone with Emil's sole victory.

Living Players [5/23]
  1. @York
  2. @The Orca
  3. @KWEH
  4. @Crying bc no Cryo
  5. @hime
Dead Players [18/23]
  1. @Butterscotch Sundae - YoRHA No. 9 Type S (9S) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 1
  2. @Polar Bear - Adam - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 1
  3. @Luka - Eve - Machine Network aligned - Lynched Day 2
  4. - The Logic Virus - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 2
  5. @Fujishiro - ??? - YoRHa aligned - Consumed by Simone Day 3 - Flipped Day 3: YoRHa No. 6 Type O (6O)
  6. @Gadonkadonk - The Network - Machine Network aligned - Dueled out Day 3
  7. @Pot Goblin - YoRHa No. 2 Type B (2B) - YoRHa aligned - Executed Day 3
  8. @Ultra - Animal Loving Machine - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  9. @Charlie - Immanuel - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  10. @Red Night @tepig19283 - Plato 1728 - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  11. @T-Pein™ @Rej - Jean Paul - Machine Lifeform aligned - Claimed by the Sand Trials Day 4
  12. @Alwaysmind - YoRHa Type A No. 2 (A2) - Pearl Harbor Descend aligned - Lynched Day 4
  13. @Indigo - Kierkegaard - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 4
  14. @Alexis2282AE - Jackass - YoRHa aligned - Died Night 4
  15. @Yo Tan Wa - YoRHa No. 21 Type O (21O) - YoRHa aligned - Died Night 4
  16. @Random Asshole @Worst - YoRHa No. 8 Type B (8B) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 5
  17. @Yoho - Commander White - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 6
  18. @Flower - Father Servo - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 6
  1. @Ratchet
  2. @Orwellian
What are everybodys opinons on this self-destruct stuff? Why would Emil use it now of all times?
Well ok here’s the thing right:

Red girls lives between KWEH and York right? Kweh got Emil shop so he isn’t Emil. Orca is reloader. I predict deaths (confirmable-ish since I targeted Fuji N1 and they didn’t claim being visited by Emil). So Emil is Hime. It’s been right in front of us this time since Hime backwards is emiH boo hoo
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