Role Madness NieR: Automata Mafia Game Thread [Game State: Game End - Indie Victory]

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Day 6 - Final Vote Count


No dude... that's a bike...!!
Day 6 - Final Vote Count

Orca ->
Hime -> Kweh
Kweh -> Yoho > Unvote > Orca > Hime > Unvote > Yoho
Flower -> Yoho
York -> Yoho
Crying -> Yoho > Unvote > Yoho

Yoho = 4 (Flower, York, Crying, Kweh)
Hime = 1 (Orca)
Kweh = 1 (Hime)

Please let me know if I made any mistakes.​

Day 6 has ended. Please stop posting.

Living Players [7/23]
  1. @Yoho
  2. @York
  3. @The Orca
  4. @KWEH
  5. @Flower
  6. @Crying bc no Cryo
  7. @hime
Dead Players [16/23]
  1. @Butterscotch Sundae - YoRHA No. 9 Type S (9S) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 1
  2. @Polar Bear - Adam - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 1
  3. @Luka - Eve - Machine Network aligned - Lynched Day 2
  4. - The Logic Virus - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 2
  5. @Fujishiro - ??? - YoRHa aligned - Consumed by Simone Day 3 - Flipped Day 3: YoRHa No. 6 Type O (6O)
  6. @Gadonkadonk - The Network - Machine Network aligned - Dueled out Day 3
  7. @Pot Goblin - YoRHa No. 2 Type B (2B) - YoRHa aligned - Executed Day 3
  8. @Ultra - Animal Loving Machine - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  9. @Charlie - Immanuel - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  10. @Red Night @tepig19283 - Plato 1728 - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  11. @T-Pein™ @Rej - Jean Paul - Machine Lifeform aligned - Claimed by the Sand Trials Day 4
  12. @Alwaysmind - YoRHa Type A No. 2 (A2) - Pearl Harbor Descend aligned - Lynched Day 4
  13. @Indigo - Kierkegaard - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 4
  14. @Alexis2282AE - Jackass - YoRHa aligned - Died Night 4
  15. @Yo Tan Wa - YoRHa No. 21 Type O (21O) - YoRHa aligned - Died Night 4
  16. @Random Asshole @Worst - YoRHa No. 8 Type B (8B) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 5.
  1. @Ratchet
  2. @Orwellian
Day 6 - The Drop


No dude... that's a bike...!!
Day 6 - The Drop

Remember your pain...

The pain of having your homeland stolen...

We will never give up our struggle...

We will take back the seas, the skies, the land!

We will take back our world from the scourge of the Machines!

We will not fail in this mission...

Here and now we will put an end to this goddamn war!

Glory... to mankind!

Living Players [7/23]
  1. @Yoho
  2. @York
  3. @The Orca
  4. @KWEH
  5. @Flower
  6. @Crying bc no Cryo
  7. @hime
Dead Players [16/23]
  1. @Butterscotch Sundae - YoRHA No. 9 Type S (9S) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 1
  2. @Polar Bear - Adam - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 1
  3. @Luka - Eve - Machine Network aligned - Lynched Day 2
  4. - The Logic Virus - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 2
  5. @Fujishiro - ??? - YoRHa aligned - Consumed by Simone Day 3 - Flipped Day 3: YoRHa No. 6 Type O (6O)
  6. @Gadonkadonk - The Network - Machine Network aligned - Dueled out Day 3
  7. @Pot Goblin - YoRHa No. 2 Type B (2B) - YoRHa aligned - Executed Day 3
  8. @Ultra - Animal Loving Machine - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  9. @Charlie - Immanuel - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  10. @Red Night @tepig19283 - Plato 1728 - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  11. @T-Pein™ @Rej - Jean Paul - Machine Lifeform aligned - Claimed by the Sand Trials Day 4
  12. @Alwaysmind - YoRHa Type A No. 2 (A2) - Pearl Harbor Descend aligned - Lynched Day 4
  13. @Indigo - Kierkegaard - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 4
  14. @Alexis2282AE - Jackass - YoRHa aligned - Died Night 4
  15. @Yo Tan Wa - YoRHa No. 21 Type O (21O) - YoRHa aligned - Died Night 4
  16. @Random Asshole @Worst - YoRHa No. 8 Type B (8B) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 5.
  1. @Ratchet
  2. @Orwellian

Day 6 End / Night 6 Start - Homeland


No dude... that's a bike...!!

Day 6 End - Homeland

@Yoho was lynched.

Now that you know the truth...
Which path will you take...?

Commander White

Congratulations, you are Commander White, YoRHa aligned!

The commander of YoRHa forces, you are permanently stationed in the Bunker, working directly under the regulations of the Council of Humanity and issuing orders to all members YoRHa. You devoted your entire existence to one and only one cause - Eradicate the Machines and reclaim the Earth back for humanity...

In this game, you have the following ability(ies):

(Passive) The Bunker - So long as you are alive, all dead and flipped YoRHa aligned players will be allowed to send in one last message to the Bunker's server in the phase following their flip. You will receive all such messages, if any, at the end of the phase they were sent in.

Glory... to Mankind... - As the commander of YoRHa forces, once per night, you can submit a writeup via the host that will be posted to the thread after the day start writeup. All game rules apply. The writeup will not reveal your flavor nor identity, but you may reveal it in the writeup if you so wish. The writeup will still be posted even if you die in the same night. If you do not provide a title for the writeup, the default title will be: "Broadcast"

(Passive) Blackbox Detonation - You are not a YoRHa combat unit, therefore do not carry a Blackbox.

Objective - Reclaim the Earth back for humanity...


Day 6 has ended!

It is now Night 6.

You will have a little less than 24 hours to send in your night actions, if any.
Night ends earlier if all actions are locked.


Living Players [6/23]
  1. @York
  2. @The Orca
  3. @KWEH
  4. @Flower
  5. @Crying bc no Cryo
  6. @hime
Dead Players [17/23]
  1. @Butterscotch Sundae - YoRHA No. 9 Type S (9S) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 1
  2. @Polar Bear - Adam - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 1
  3. @Luka - Eve - Machine Network aligned - Lynched Day 2
  4. - The Logic Virus - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 2
  5. @Fujishiro - ??? - YoRHa aligned - Consumed by Simone Day 3 - Flipped Day 3: YoRHa No. 6 Type O (6O)
  6. @Gadonkadonk - The Network - Machine Network aligned - Dueled out Day 3
  7. @Pot Goblin - YoRHa No. 2 Type B (2B) - YoRHa aligned - Executed Day 3
  8. @Ultra - Animal Loving Machine - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  9. @Charlie - Immanuel - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  10. @Red Night @tepig19283 - Plato 1728 - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  11. @T-Pein™ @Rej - Jean Paul - Machine Lifeform aligned - Claimed by the Sand Trials Day 4
  12. @Alwaysmind - YoRHa Type A No. 2 (A2) - Pearl Harbor Descend aligned - Lynched Day 4
  13. @Indigo - Kierkegaard - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 4
  14. @Alexis2282AE - Jackass - YoRHa aligned - Died Night 4
  15. @Yo Tan Wa - YoRHa No. 21 Type O (21O) - YoRHa aligned - Died Night 4
  16. @Random Asshole @Worst - YoRHa No. 8 Type B (8B) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 5
  17. @Yoho - Commander White - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 6
  1. @Ratchet
  2. @Orwellian
Night 6 - Memories of War


No dude... that's a bike...!!
Night 6 - Memories of War

A long time ago, I was created to be a weapon...

A weapon that could adapt to any environment... and one capable of total destruction.

When the war against the Aliens started, I decided to strengthen that weapon by creating copies of myself.

So in truth, I am only one of a countless number of Emils.

I... or we... I guess, worked with each other to keep our defensive lines in tact...

But the more of ourselves we created... the more our original memories began to fade...

Living Players [6/23]
  1. @York
  2. @The Orca
  3. @KWEH
  4. @Flower
  5. @Crying bc no Cryo
  6. @hime
Dead Players [17/23]
  1. @Butterscotch Sundae - YoRHA No. 9 Type S (9S) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 1
  2. @Polar Bear - Adam - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 1
  3. @Luka - Eve - Machine Network aligned - Lynched Day 2
  4. - The Logic Virus - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 2
  5. @Fujishiro - ??? - YoRHa aligned - Consumed by Simone Day 3 - Flipped Day 3: YoRHa No. 6 Type O (6O)
  6. @Gadonkadonk - The Network - Machine Network aligned - Dueled out Day 3
  7. @Pot Goblin - YoRHa No. 2 Type B (2B) - YoRHa aligned - Executed Day 3
  8. @Ultra - Animal Loving Machine - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  9. @Charlie - Immanuel - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  10. @Red Night @tepig19283 - Plato 1728 - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  11. @T-Pein™ @Rej - Jean Paul - Machine Lifeform aligned - Claimed by the Sand Trials Day 4
  12. @Alwaysmind - YoRHa Type A No. 2 (A2) - Pearl Harbor Descend aligned - Lynched Day 4
  13. @Indigo - Kierkegaard - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 4
  14. @Alexis2282AE - Jackass - YoRHa aligned - Died Night 4
  15. @Yo Tan Wa - YoRHa No. 21 Type O (21O) - YoRHa aligned - Died Night 4
  16. @Random Asshole @Worst - YoRHa No. 8 Type B (8B) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 5
  17. @Yoho - Commander White - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 6
  1. @Ratchet
  2. @Orwellian
Night 6 End / Day 7 Start - Robo Dojo


No dude... that's a bike...!!
Night 6 End - Robo Dojo

@Flower has died last night.
Father Servo

Congratulations, you are Father Servo, Machine Lifeform aligned!

A Machine Lifeform interested in human martial arts, you've established an area atop the roof of an abandoned building as your training ground, and sought to challenge any Android that come your way, all while getting stronger after every battle...

In this game, you have the following ability(ies):

Robo Dojo Evolution - Once per night, you can target a player and challenge them to a vote duel, unbeknownst to them. If you have less lynch votes placed on you at the end of next day than they do, you will win the duel and evolve, unlocking Black Belt and losing this ability.

(Day) 1x Black Belt - Once during the first half of the day, you can initiate a duel to the death against another player by typing Duel PlayerName in the game thread and tagging the host. For the rest of that day, a duel will commence where only you and the player you are dueling can be killed. All players in the game may vote for one of the players to win the duel. At the end of that day, the player with least votes to win the duel is regular killed, while the other survives. Tied votes results in you losing the duel. All duel votes count as exactly 1, cannot be manipulated, and will not be counted until the host has announced the duel start. If you win the duel against a Machine Lifeform aligned player and kill them, you will self-destruct in shame, taking your life alongside theirs.

(Passive) Red Belt - If you win the Black Belt duel against a non-Machine Lifeform aligned player, you will evolve even further using the body of the player you just beat in the duel, obtaining an ability from them as a 1-shot, if possible. Some abilities may not be obtainable or usable by you.

(Passive) Rust Status - As your body is slowly rusting, you are aware that if you do not fulfill the conditions to become Red Belt by the end of day 3, your body will permanently become unable to achieve that evolution.

Objective - Destroy the enemy...


Day 7 has started!

You have a little less than 24 hours to discuss lynch.
With 5 alive, it is 3 votes required to achieve majority.

Day 7 ends in - Countdown

Living Players [5/23]
  1. @York
  2. @The Orca
  3. @KWEH
  4. @Crying bc no Cryo
  5. @hime
Dead Players [18/23]
  1. @Butterscotch Sundae - YoRHA No. 9 Type S (9S) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 1
  2. @Polar Bear - Adam - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 1
  3. @Luka - Eve - Machine Network aligned - Lynched Day 2
  4. - The Logic Virus - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 2
  5. @Fujishiro - ??? - YoRHa aligned - Consumed by Simone Day 3 - Flipped Day 3: YoRHa No. 6 Type O (6O)
  6. @Gadonkadonk - The Network - Machine Network aligned - Dueled out Day 3
  7. @Pot Goblin - YoRHa No. 2 Type B (2B) - YoRHa aligned - Executed Day 3
  8. @Ultra - Animal Loving Machine - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  9. @Charlie - Immanuel - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  10. @Red Night @tepig19283 - Plato 1728 - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  11. @T-Pein™ @Rej - Jean Paul - Machine Lifeform aligned - Claimed by the Sand Trials Day 4
  12. @Alwaysmind - YoRHa Type A No. 2 (A2) - Pearl Harbor Descend aligned - Lynched Day 4
  13. @Indigo - Kierkegaard - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 4
  14. @Alexis2282AE - Jackass - YoRHa aligned - Died Night 4
  15. @Yo Tan Wa - YoRHa No. 21 Type O (21O) - YoRHa aligned - Died Night 4
  16. @Random Asshole @Worst - YoRHa No. 8 Type B (8B) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 5
  17. @Yoho - Commander White - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 6
  18. @Flower - Father Servo - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 6
  1. @Ratchet
  2. @Orwellian
Day 7 - Catastrophic Warning: Emil


No dude... that's a bike...!!
- C A T A S T R O P H I C - W A R N I N G -

I... We're...

Eternity... It hurts... It really hurts...

Why just us... Why do we have to...

We... we must... kill them all!

We don't need it... We don't need this world!


We tried our best!

I the rain, in the wind, in the storm...

Even when our companions died, we kept fighting...

But the eternal war... our eternal pain...

The eternal pain... it screamed at us...

It told us there is nothing valuable to protect in this world...

The world had no meaning... IT SCREAMED AT US!


You... all of you...

This pain...

This sadness...

This desperation...



But even so... all of this is wrong...

No matter how hard or how painful...

They never gave up!

They kept fighting because they believed they could overcome someday!

Isn't that right, Kaine!?

Even if it's pointless you still have to do it...

Because this is the world my friend tried to save!


Emil is self-destructing. If Emil is not lynched by the end of today, the world will be engulfed in their fusion reactor, ending the game for everyone with Emil's sole victory.

Living Players [5/23]
  1. @York
  2. @The Orca
  3. @KWEH
  4. @Crying bc no Cryo
  5. @hime
Dead Players [18/23]
  1. @Butterscotch Sundae - YoRHA No. 9 Type S (9S) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 1
  2. @Polar Bear - Adam - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 1
  3. @Luka - Eve - Machine Network aligned - Lynched Day 2
  4. - The Logic Virus - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 2
  5. @Fujishiro - ??? - YoRHa aligned - Consumed by Simone Day 3 - Flipped Day 3: YoRHa No. 6 Type O (6O)
  6. @Gadonkadonk - The Network - Machine Network aligned - Dueled out Day 3
  7. @Pot Goblin - YoRHa No. 2 Type B (2B) - YoRHa aligned - Executed Day 3
  8. @Ultra - Animal Loving Machine - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  9. @Charlie - Immanuel - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  10. @Red Night @tepig19283 - Plato 1728 - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  11. @T-Pein™ @Rej - Jean Paul - Machine Lifeform aligned - Claimed by the Sand Trials Day 4
  12. @Alwaysmind - YoRHa Type A No. 2 (A2) - Pearl Harbor Descend aligned - Lynched Day 4
  13. @Indigo - Kierkegaard - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 4
  14. @Alexis2282AE - Jackass - YoRHa aligned - Died Night 4
  15. @Yo Tan Wa - YoRHa No. 21 Type O (21O) - YoRHa aligned - Died Night 4
  16. @Random Asshole @Worst - YoRHa No. 8 Type B (8B) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 5
  17. @Yoho - Commander White - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 6
  18. @Flower - Father Servo - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 6
  1. @Ratchet
  2. @Orwellian
- C A T A S T R O P H I C - W A R N I N G -

I... We're...

Eternity... It hurts... It really hurts...

Why just us... Why do we have to...

We... we must... kill them all!

We don't need it... We don't need this world!


We tried our best!

I the rain, in the wind, in the storm...

Even when our companions died, we kept fighting...

But the eternal war... our eternal pain...

The eternal pain... it screamed at us...

It told us there is nothing valuable to protect in this world...

The world had no meaning... IT SCREAMED AT US!


You... all of you...

This pain...

This sadness...

This desperation...



But even so... all of this is wrong...

No matter how hard or how painful...

They never gave up!

They kept fighting because they believed they could overcome someday!

Isn't that right, Kaine!?

Even if it's pointless you still have to do it...

Because this is the world my friend tried to save!


Emil is self-destructing. If Emil is not lynched by the end of today, the world will be engulfed in their fusion reactor, ending the game for everyone with Emil's sole victory.

Living Players [5/23]
  1. @York
  2. @The Orca
  3. @KWEH
  4. @Crying bc no Cryo
  5. @hime
Dead Players [18/23]
  1. @Butterscotch Sundae - YoRHA No. 9 Type S (9S) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 1
  2. @Polar Bear - Adam - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 1
  3. @Luka - Eve - Machine Network aligned - Lynched Day 2
  4. - The Logic Virus - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 2
  5. @Fujishiro - ??? - YoRHa aligned - Consumed by Simone Day 3 - Flipped Day 3: YoRHa No. 6 Type O (6O)
  6. @Gadonkadonk - The Network - Machine Network aligned - Dueled out Day 3
  7. @Pot Goblin - YoRHa No. 2 Type B (2B) - YoRHa aligned - Executed Day 3
  8. @Ultra - Animal Loving Machine - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  9. @Charlie - Immanuel - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  10. @Red Night @tepig19283 - Plato 1728 - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  11. @T-Pein™ @Rej - Jean Paul - Machine Lifeform aligned - Claimed by the Sand Trials Day 4
  12. @Alwaysmind - YoRHa Type A No. 2 (A2) - Pearl Harbor Descend aligned - Lynched Day 4
  13. @Indigo - Kierkegaard - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 4
  14. @Alexis2282AE - Jackass - YoRHa aligned - Died Night 4
  15. @Yo Tan Wa - YoRHa No. 21 Type O (21O) - YoRHa aligned - Died Night 4
  16. @Random Asshole @Worst - YoRHa No. 8 Type B (8B) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 5
  17. @Yoho - Commander White - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 6
  18. @Flower - Father Servo - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 6
  1. @Ratchet
  2. @Orwellian
Vote lynch Emil
I got a buff that allows me to choose a backup target for cycle 7

Which, I got no shots left so wtf

@hime you didn't happen to get the same kinda buff the night after we got death marked by any chance?
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