Nami has cool moments here and there in Post-timeskip
I just hate how long I have to wait for these moments
First half of wano and Dressrosa was bad for her tho
WCI and Zou was saving grace. That's why it is my favorite arc
Contrary to popular belief , I actually think Nami was good in onigashima arc.
I hate Egghead.
Bonney got same amount of panel time in 1.5 Years during Egghead that Nami got during wano arc even though it was 4 years long.
Bonney has 4 times of panel time of Nami in egghead
Nami wanted Flower Jewel and its Bonney who got it

What happened to her diamonds
Why did you draw it ?
Nami didn’t even used the bubble Gun. Sanji took it. Why ??
Such is the fate of the main heroine
I don't even care about fights.
I just want her to get involve in main plot.
Is Nami treatment batter than most of the strawhats ? Yes but thats not the point.
I am hoping things will change.
It's time Oda..!