Speculations Now That It’s Confirmed Gaban Is A COC User, Who Will Sanji Unlock COC Against?

Who will make Sanji awaken his CoC?

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The only one who can beat me is me
I'll keep believing that it's possible Garp showed ACoC, it just isn't outright confirmed like the examples I showed.

Just like it's possible Gaban has ACoC, it's just largely baseless at the moment and what he showed this chapter doesn't prove it.
:risitameh: Nowhere did I say ACoC was confirmed, I said default assumption is that was CoC. Simple as, haki flow post adCoC reveal = assumed to be CoC until proven otherwise.
:risitameh: Nowhere did I say ACoC was confirmed, I said default assumption is that was CoC until proven otherwise. Simple as, haki flow post CoC reveal = assumed to be CoC until proven otherwise.
And therein lies your problem, it isn't the default assumption, not even close to it.

Lightning sparks have never been indicative of ACoC, again, we've seen non-ACoC users do that, the only surefire way to say if a person has ACoC is if they do what these characters did, that's it
Armament Haki can give have that effect too too.
Can, but from end of Wano it seems that effect is CoC.

Neither Gaban's role nor his reputation require him to have CoC, idk why would think otherwise, even if Gaban is an equal to Rayleigh.
You said it yourself: Gaban being the LHM fo the pirate King, compared to Roger and Ray, a livigin legend, without a fruit.

Maybe Gaban does have CoC and shows it off later, maybe he just doesn't have it.
Maybe, but it was hinted this chapter.

Idk why people use the SFX “zzt “ or “.zat” to say if it’s Advanced CoC when it’s has been used on non advanced CoC user and Non CoC user like Kidd and law.

black lighting also isn’t enough because characters like jimbei also it’s used black lighting like CoC user

SFX + black lighting isn’t even enough because ulti also have used it against luffy

i don’t see gaban having CoC let alone advance CoC but we must admit oda failed to separate CoA and CoC because we don’t know who is using CoC or not.

the only way to know if it knocks out the people around you or the is massive black trail like the elders