Questions & Mysteries Number 03 Enigma!

Title is a joke (23 enigma).

Either way, like I pointed out in the waiting room topic: There are A LOT of 03s in the Egghead Arc.

Lillith(02) called the 03 Seaking a 'failure.
Edison(03) is saved by Sanji((03:00)03)
Sanji fought S-Shark 03 vs 04th Seraphim.
Mark III
Pythagoras(04(Pythagorean Theorem: 3 sides)) is being attacked...
In Building 03 on
Floor C(c =3)
Cover art of 1074 had 03 people titled fighting for 02.

And in history Edison stole from Tesla and was thus a fraud and 'failure.'
Sanji is trying to find VP

I dunno about you guys but that is a fuckton of 03s to be coincidence.
So will our main 03 Sanji, be getting something good?
Or where do you think all our 03s are leading?

/conspiracy wall
Update it to the latest chapter, most cast separated into/as a trio (eg Sanji Stussy Jinbe, Robin Chopper Vegapunk, Nami Brook Vegapunk, etc).


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
He dropped it because of moral shackle, Sanji can use it to peep at women.

Nah kidding, he dropped it because he doesn't want Sanji to be stronger.
Who knows but it's clear that something made him change his mind.

During WCI - fans were not expecting sanji to get RS because of his feud with Judge way of doing things.

Oda still gave him one.

Then we were not expecting Sanji to use it until dire situation.

Oda made him use it against Page one.

And, when we expected him to use always

Oda - πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘

I think he changed his mind because of fans not liking Sanji using RS...