Questions & Mysteries Oda confirms Emperor title > Bigger bounty, WGS + Marine Hunter titles

If the bounties are legit, is Crocodile above average YC1s like Katakuri and Alber?

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What are there bounties

Former warlord of the sea sir crocodile

His logia powers his intelligence and leadership His bounty is 1.96 bil


Next to mihawk whose sword skill is even greater than Shanks AS THE STRONGEST SWORDSMAN IN THE WORLD his bounty is 3.59 bil

This is why mihawk has his bounty

Next to Buggy

On top of his prior feats (listed at the top of the page and the end of the page prior)
Ringleader for mass break out in Impel Down
Started on rogers crew
Stood shoulder to shoulder with shanks
Commands so much respect Croc rushed to save him
On top of that they think he has the power to command mihawk and Croc

His bounty is 3.1 bil


Buggy is just like spandam if not worse
Spandam had actual authority
Buggys is based on a poster and he's nothing in reality

No where does it say or even imply they think he's stronger

This page kills you.
You are still dumb, Crocodile's out of battle intelligence has nothing to do with his bounty, you think they would give just 300 million to a genius like Caesar Clown?

They are talking about Crocodile's intelligence in combat, leadership in combat AND Logia in combat. ZKKtards are desperate.

Buggy is only 3.1 billion because they think Buggy is stronger than Mihawk, being an Emperor doesn't boost bounty. Fifth Emperor Luffy was 1.5 billion only, Teach's first Emperor bounty was 2.2 billion.

Don't compare Crocoboy to mere YCs
Mihawk will be surpassed by ''YC'' Zolo. Cry harder.

A small addition to the discussion.

Aokiji about bounties. The amount of the bounty doesn't just reflect the strength of the criminal. There's also the danger level someone poses to the government.

With Kenbunshoku haki you can exactly know who's stronger than you. You can determine the opponent's power level.

Yes, Pre-TS Kid bounty was > Pre-TS Luffy bounty for killing civilians as an extra.

Marine Hunter is the perfect way to unnaturally boost a bounty.

Lets see him prove himself first
Just like Mihawk.
Bounties should only be used as a reflection of strength among individuals of the same crew or organization, and even then there are outliers like Buggy. In general though each organization has a different threat level to the WG depending on their actions and bounties are assigned based on that an individuals threat and that organizations threat.

Characters in CG are naturally going to have a higher bounty than other organizations since they are hunting the Marines. This is why Buggy starts with an over 3Bil Bounty even though Blackbeard only had a 2.2 Bil Bounty to start with as a Yonko. Crocodile will also have a higher bounty than other Yonko Commanders because of CG.

Captains also get assigned a higher bounty automatically because it’s assumed that if the captain is taken out the organization will probably fall apart. This is why Hancock’s bounty is higher then King’s, because taking King down would be a big blow to the Beast Pirates, but taking out Hancock would cause a collapse in Boa Pirates and Amazon Lily, eliminating the threat of both largely or entirely.

Mihawk is different however because his Bounty exceeds that of Buggy’s, which means the WG sees taking down Mihawk and CG as separate goals, witj Mihawk for now being more dangerous than CG organization, and the WG would rather take down Mihawk than Buggy and CG. If Mihawk was named leader of CG and Yonko we can expect his bounty to be much higher though and closer to Kaidou or maybe even more.

Zoro defeated King and still has a lower bounty then him, the reason being that Luffy is still being seen as a similar threat to Kidd and Law, all three within 3Bil Bounties and this reflects on the Straw Hat Pirates. But we know this is not accurate as Straw Hats put in way more work in Wano then the Heart or Heavy Metal Pirates, and Luffy is perhaps one of the most dangerous Yonko having the Nika Devil Fruit. Why Luffy is getting undersold is probably due to the WG not being honest about the power of the Nika DF, ether way Zoro’s bounty should be higher.

Whether Zoro’s bounty without deflation would be higher than Crocodile’s without inflation, is impossible to tell and why comparing bounties between crews is very difficult.
Doffy was mocked for being weak and losing to Dressrosa Luffy and Law by Kaidou.
Meanwhile Crocodile was implied to have trashed three Seraphim

(We don't see these three at all in Egghead or hear anything about them winning here, all they say is that Crocodile appeared there and that's it, so he very likely defeated them on his own)
How come Doffy loses to Dressrosa Luffy and is called a weakling but Hancock is called "a very strong woman" by Sengoku and Crocodile gets a 1.9B bounty and an alliance with the WSS?
Hahahahhaha wow kid, great arguments.
If you believe Mihawk should be Yonko level according to Mihawk's bounty, then Crocodile too should be minimum around some YC1s, and even more powerful than some YC1s according to bounty, we know Crocodile won't be that strong. Then how come some people being happy about Mihawk's bounty?

3 years ago I would say Crocodile gets maximum 600 million or 800 million bounty, considering he gets 1.9 billion is definitely abnormal unless you believe Crocodile surpassed YC3 level, which is debatable.

Since I gave PTSDs to a lot of people, they always make damage control threads by talking about me and now they even use my quote from 3 years ago in their signature that only proves that I destroyed a lot of these guys.

But you need to consider that 3 years ago we didn't know:

1- Mihawk is the first Marine Hunter:

Zolo fans said Mihawk isn't even a pirate and ''harmless'' to government. Crocodile revealed Mihawk was known as Marine Hunter long before Cross Guild.

They specifically said Cross Guild is a ''major major threat'' to Marines even when other Emperors are stronger than Cross Guild.

2- Being Yonko doesn't boost bounties:

Luffy bounty = Law bounty, Mihawk's Yonko captain has lower bounty than Mihawk, BB's first Yonko bounty was 2.2 billion, Luffy was fifth Emperor with 1.5 billion bounty, this means Yonko only gets their bounty for power.

3- Yonko captains boost Yonko underling bounties:

this means if captain and underling have equal power, underling gets bigger bounty than captain

4- Crocodile gets 1.9 billion bounty:

Unless you claim Cross Guild bounties are legit for power, thus 1.9 b Crocodile should be above:

- 1.3 b Marco
- 1.3 b Alber

- 1.1 b Zolo

We all know ZKKboys will leave the forum again when Oda once again puts Mihawk in action but lets entertain this idea again,

- The argument that the some ZKK boys and Zolo fanboys are using that, Mihawk's WGS title is the only reason he gets 3.5 billion, they deny Mihawk getting extra boost due to Yonko captain boosts underling bounties, and being the Marine Hunter and joining Cross Guild etc they deny all of these.

- Then how its possible that the guy who can ''command'' Mihawk by ''power'' has only 3.1 billion? If Mihawk has bigger bounty than even his own Yonko captain, due to his power only, then why his Yonko captain is not even has equal bounty to Mihawk let alone bigger?

Excuses: ''They know Buggy isn't strong''

Wrong. Government and Buggy's men specifically think Buggy is strong:

The idea that they know Buggy isn't strong is debunked, they think Buggy is strong + commands Mihawk's power and Croco's power.

If what I said about Mihawk having 3 billion minimum should be true, his captain should've get minimum 3.6 billion not 3.1 billion. Oda literally tells us Mihawk's bounty is boosted for other reasons JUST LIKE CROCODILE'S 1.9 billion, so Mihawk's alone bounty, without Cross Guild and Marine Hunting, would definitely be lower thant 3.1 billion.

Another ''Excuse'':

''ThEy sAid Crocodile has intElligenNce aNd leAdeRships''

They never said its about out of battle intelligence and out of battle leadership. If a genius like Caesar Clown gets only 300 million bounty, its dumb to assume they meant out of battle intelligence for Crocodile.

Croc's bounty is just boosted too much due to Marine Hunting just like Mihawk.

Then also they were saying Shanks has 4 billion because he is a Yonko, which is debunked because as we see that EVEN MIHAWK'S OWN YONKO CAPTAIN Buggy, has only 3.1 billion, then why another Yonko Shanks doesn't have as same as Buggy's 3.1 billion?

''WGS Mihawk Yield to Buggy's authority''

''The power to command''

If you believe Mihawk gets due to 3.5 billion because of WGS title over Shanks, and power over Shanks since you believe he is stronger than Shanks? Shouldn't be Mihawk above Shanks's bounty as well just like Mihawk is above Yonko Buggy's bounty?

4 billion Shanks can't control Mihawk by ''power'',

and being Yonko doesn't boost his bounty, Shanks is not a Marine Hunter, then why Shanks has 4 billion?

Because of superior combat power.

Pre-Yonko Shanks and WGS Mihawk dueled more than 12 years ago and no one won,

Mihawk: ''settle things''

And Shanks only got 1 billion bounty at the time when he had 2 hands, and dueled WGS Mihawk.

4 billion Shanks did better things since then, even better than making Mihawk his underling, he surpasses Yonko Buggy's 3.1 billion range, which you get if you make 3.5 billion WGS Mihawk your underling.

Zolo vs. Alber, Zolo defeats Alber, only gets 1.1 billion, Alber still have 1.3 billion. Buggy makes Mihawk his underling, Mihawk still has 3.5 billion, Buggy gets 3.1 billion. How do you know Zolo won't be the same? Zolo can defeat Mihawk, still end up with less than 3.1 billion bounty or around that bounty.

Because making someone your underling > defeating that someone with highdiff or extreme diff.

Zolo can never make Mihawk his underling, so I don't see how Zolo will get more than 3.1 billion when he defeats Mihawk. This also proves Mihawk's bounty has nothing to do with power.
Bro speaking fax
Zoro one shots Luffy mom. And Crocs bounty isn't about strength only cause he's the brains of the organization that's literally attacking marines. And not only is he "hiding" behind Buggy as well he wanted to hide behind Mihawk too :milaugh:
Baseless, Crocodile was equal partner with Mihawk, he literally told him ''come to my side'', he didn't go to Mihawk.

Edit: Oda confirms Emperor title > Bigger bounty, WGS, Marine Hunter titles by saying Mihawk is HIDING behind Buggy:

If you believe Mihawk should be Yonko level according to bounty, then Crocodile too should be minimum around some YC1s, and even more powerful than some YC1s according to bounty, we know Crocodile won't be that strong. Then how come some people being happy about Mihawk's bounty?

3 years ago I would say Crocodile gets maximum 600 million or 800 million bounty, considering he gets 1.9 billion is definitely abnormal unless you believe Crocodile surpassed YC3 level, which is debatable.

Since I gave PTSDs to a lot of people, they always make damage control threads by talking about me and now they even use my quote from 3 years ago in their signature that only proves that I destroyed a lot of these guys.

But you need to consider that 3 years ago we didn't know:

1- Mihawk is the first Marine Hunter:

Zolo fans said Mihawk isn't even a pirate and ''harmless'' to government. Crocodile revealed Mihawk was known as Marine Hunter long before Cross Guild.

They specifically said Cross Guild is a ''major major threat'' to Marines even when other Emperors are stronger than Cross Guild.

2- Being Yonko doesn't boost bounties:

Luffy bounty = Law bounty, Mihawk's Yonko captain has lower bounty than Mihawk, BB's first Yonko bounty was 2.2 billion, Luffy was fifth Emperor with 1.5 billion bounty, this means Yonko only gets their bounty for power.

3- Yonko captains boost Yonko underling bounties:

this means if captain and underling have equal power, underling gets bigger bounty than captain

4- Crocodile gets 1.9 billion bounty:

Unless you claim Cross Guild bounties are legit for power, thus 1.9 b Crocodile should be above:

- 1.3 b Marco
- 1.3 b Alber

- 1.1 b Zolo
I do literally believe Croco is now above those characters. Why not? He has been in the new world, basically with just one other guy for 2 years, and submitted to no Yonko