Powers & Abilities Oda gave CoC to the only Admiral that actually qualifies as a "WG lapdog"

At least his underlings respect Sengoku unlike that magma fraud who cheated his way to be the FA πŸ˜‚ No wonder he has no CoC =>

Akainu having more connections in the government is a living proof of his successful life, impressing everyone with his manner, dedication and diligence at job. It's only natural for that to bring him support and encouragement from loved ones like job superiors.

Aokiji always looks back, asking himself, β€œWhat if?" No one would bother helping you if you look back in regret one day down the line.

Let's all be like Akainu. Efficient, not lazy, productive and passionate about what we do for living.
The highlighted is about Kuzan not Sakazuki.
The highlight implies Akainu didn't receive widespread support from his subordinates.

Akainu having more connections in the government is a living proof of his successful life, impressing everyone with his manner, dedication and diligence at job. It's only natural for that to bring him support and encouragement from loved ones like job superiors.

Aokiji always looks back, asking himself, β€œWhat if?" No one would bother helping you if you look back in regret one day down the line.

Let's all be like Akainu. Efficient, not lazy, productive and passionate about what we do for living.
Yes, Akainu takes his job seriously, no doubt.


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐒𝐫𝐒𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
The highlight implies Akainu didn't receive widespread support from his subordinates.
That's a bit of a stretch IMO. I can see where you're coming from, but it's kind of stretching things.
every admiral will have coc. Fleet admiral position is the king of king of the marines. Just like how Pirate king for pirates. And under PK are the yonkos so under fleet admiral will be admirals but they will have coc.

People act like they don't because they follow orders.And don't act like wild dogs. Now we know roxs had like 4 and maybe 5 if shiki has it.


Law Nerd
every admiral will have coc. Fleet admiral position is the king of king of the marines. Just like how Pirate king for pirates. And under PK are the yonkos so under fleet admiral will be admirals but they will have coc.

People act like they don't because they follow orders.And don't act like wild dogs. Now we know roxs had like 4 and maybe 5 if shiki has it.
I'm not necessarily betting on all admirals to feature CoC cause I don't wanna look biased but there's a fair chance at least 2/3 of them will show it off.
That's a bit of a stretch IMO. I can see where you're coming from, but it's kind of stretching things.
Jinbei talks about two characters. He mentions A received support from Sengoku+subordinates while B received support from the Gorosei. Why is it a stretch to assume the subordinates did not support B?

Akainu kills his subordinates for fleeing the battlefield =>
Why are you so surprised that the subordinates dont have the same level of respect for Akainu?

every admiral will have coc.
Keep dreaming


Law Nerd
No need to dream they all have great ambition which is why there in the admiral spot In the first place, chosen by the heavens.They’re the king of their Justice and have people who follow them. For example fuji is the king of moral justice
Even Coby got CoC

His ambition is strong so ambition is really a major driver for it it doesn't take to be powerful immediately