Break Week Oda probably got bullied into making Sanji a fighter post timeskip


Zoro Worshipper
These weren’t really losses just failures.

It wasn’t a formal one v one. And yes Zoro failed to win; however I wouldn’t say he lost either. It’s not like when Zoro fought Buggy. Or when Zoro fought Mihawk. Both times Zoro lost one on one with no interference.

Kizaru just shot him when he was already exhausted.
Enel just cleaned house against everyone

Kuma is maybe the closest but Kuma wasn’t fighting to win but just testing the resolve of the straw hats
I think Kuma pretty much went away... so he kinda postponed :handsup:
a cook and still considered as Third strongest Strawhats and also Wings of The Pirate King and also he is a Military Advisor.
Mind the Gap between 2 & >>> 3
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If anything, Oda intended to give him newkama power ups but wasn't allowed to by his boss because of the potential negative reaction by transphobes among the fandom and people who don't even like One Piece despite reading it; so he had to rewrite his plot into the Vinsmokes and genetics, which fit him nothing.

But this thread? Absurd. Sanji has always been a fighter apart from a cook and the crew's third strongest. It was natural for him to do what he always did as soon as we had a serious fighting arc. Queen is just Kuroobi, Mr. 2 or Jabra over again. If he could already be such a fighting monster while achieving top class cooking, why would Oda change the dynamics? He already was great at his role.
Better be transpppphobe than degenerate, depraved, lack of morals, corrupting kids, Baphomet worshiping tra.....ys i can go forever
Considering Oda had no qualms with using Sanji as a hype tool or focusing on Sanji's cooking while giving him feats against some capable opponents (kicking Oven so quick he couldn't see him, blocking Daifuku's giant genie, blocking Big Mom's attack with Luffy), I don't think he was pressured into anything.

He simply wanted to hype up Doffy and Vergo and Sanji was the character he used to do that since Sanji's already established as a astrong fighter. Even though, Sanji was a hypetool, Oda still had him roast Wadatsumi in a single kick after Jimbei pushed him up to Sanji with his own strongest attack (Vegabond Drill) and Sanji still snapped the neck of a Pacifista in a single kick in his debut arc post-timeskip (keep in mind, only Luffy, Zoro and Sanji were given feats immediately from the timeskip showing they could easily take one down) so I don't see how Oda treating Sanji as a prominent fighter in the crew, as Sanji's always been, is a shock.

Oda simply wanted to focus on other aspects of Sanji in Whole Cake Island. Once they got to Wano, the crew's 3rd strongest was going to face the Beast Pirates' 3rd strongest as has almost always been the case when the Straw Hats go against another large organisation/group in a major arc.


Talent is something you make bloom.
kicking Oven so quick he couldn't see him,
About this. Something I just noticed.
In the anime, when Sanji kicks Oven, the people are looking AWAY from them. So it's "normal" to assume they didn't see anything, because they weren't even looking.
But in the manga, these people are looking DIRECTLY at Oven and Pound. And EVEN THEN, they couldn't see Sanji kicking Oven and snatching Chiffon away.

These fucking anime animators man....They fucking hate Sanji.
Only person they hate more than Sanji is X-Drake. So they make Sanji destroy him in there.