News Oda's 10 Q&A

Eh the scene in Marineford is suspect but Sakazuki and Kuzan likely just got stronger during their fight by awakening their fruits.
And that same scene gave us Shanks and his crew making the BBP's back off whereas Akainu did it alone a couple chapters later.
The only thing Shanks did is block a basic punch after which Akainu couldn't act because Sengoku is calling the shots.

I'm not sold on them having gotten stronger. Maybe Akainu by a small margin but probably not Kuzan. He had his will and body crushed.
And that same scene gave us Shanks and his crew making the BBP's back off whereas Akainu did it alone a couple chapters later.
The only thing Shanks did is block a basic punch after which Akainu couldn't act because Sengoku is calling the shots.

I'm not sold on them having gotten stronger. Maybe Akainu by a small margin but probably not Kuzan. He had his will and body crushed.
Kuzans will isn’t crushed if anything it’s stronger than ever as he’s one hundred percent free to la his justice how he wants to and he lost a leg which he never even mentioned as a nerf.

The two of them likely grew stronger through logia awakening during their fight which through them into the insane power level they’re on now.
Eh the scene in Marineford is suspect but Sakazuki and Kuzan likely just got stronger during their fight by awakening their fruits.
The scene was Shanks wank but I don't think it's enough to affirm who was stronger by this point. Kizaru had Luffy shiver and sweat just by entering Egghead and Teach nervously apologized to Kuzan when he challenged him and his crew. Oda does this type of stuff plenty of time when he wants to hype a character.
Also people used to claim Akainu was scared of Shanks because he didn't attack him but we now know marines cannot attack an emperor without authorization from the fleet admiral (Sengoku at the time).
I'm not closed to Akainu becoming stronger after a 10 days fight to death though, but some people are against it because of his age.
The scene was Shanks wank but I don't think it's enough to affirm who was stronger by this point. Kizaru had Luffy shiver and sweat just by entering Egghead and Teach nervously apologized to Kuzan when he challenged him and his crew. Oda does this type of stuff plenty of time when he wants to hype a character.
Also people used to claim Akainu was scared of Shanks because he didn't attack him but we now know marines cannot attack an emperor without authorization from the fleet admiral (Sengoku at the time).
I'm not closed to Akainu becoming stronger after a 10 days fight to death though, but some people are against it because of his age.
I agree it’s not really confirmation that shanks was stronger but it definitely made shanks look better.

And I don’t think his haki got stronger, I feel after decades of fighting his way up the ranks of marines he’s hit his peak haki however; his fruit awakening as he and a long time ally fight for the sake of their justice makes sense to me. Both of them put their all in their line and in doing so created a feat that has yet to be replicated in the verse.

Imo I think that’s how odas writing their growth and why Oda is hiding Kuzans bounty, because it’ll be in the 4 Billions above even shanks’ and possibly Kaidos because his logia also awakened.
I agree it’s not really confirmation that shanks was stronger but it definitely made shanks look better.

And I don’t think his haki got stronger, I feel after decades of fighting his way up the ranks of marines he’s hit his peak haki however; his fruit awakening as he and a long time ally fight for the sake of their justice makes sense to me. Both of them put their all in their line and in doing so created a feat that has yet to be replicated in the verse.

Imo I think that’s how odas writing their growth and why Oda is hiding Kuzans bounty, because it’ll be in the 4 Billions above even shanks’ and possibly Kaidos because his logia also awakened.
Logia awakening might indeed be a game changer and that's why Oda has yet to officially introduce any awakened logia (like he did with paramecia and zoan where)
Some simply don't get oda's love for shanks. He will humiliate most let it be admirals or even yonkos like Kaido/BM for shanks.
People have just to remember he is the chapter 1 guy, he's the reason we have this main character

Even Blackbeard I don't think will win straight 1v1 they will use some advantage to not suffer major loses to set them back
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People have just to remember he is the chapter 1 guy, he's the reason we have this main character

Even Blackbeard I don't think will win straight 1v1 they will use some advantage to not suffer major loses to set thek back
I mean joyboy's haki negated all gorosei's hax and that haki was compared to shanks. I don't want to admit but tbh thats an insane indirect shanks's feat.
To make the average reader understand the type of relation Kuzan has with the BBPs, he had Kuzan neg dif the crew, scare off Blackbeard himself, capture Garp and have Blackbeard shocked at such feat, and then confirm Kuzan does what he wants and doesn’t need to follow commands

Oda spoonfeeding his retarded fanbase
people should remember this when they talk about how Kuzan really still works for the marines undercover and is still part of SWORD. He legitimately believes in this pirate freedom. He's a real part of the crew.