He didn't have the slightest clue on who would be the main villains in Water 7, for example; I mean, Rob Lucci wasn't first introduced as a bad guy in Oda's mind, just as a guy. Even Vivi, who ended up as a crewmate for some time, wasn't conceived as such but as another Baroque agent with no royal blood (and, of course, no infiltration plot). And I recall that Dressrosa was pretty much a concatenation of improvisations as the arc was being published because Oda just kept having new ideas he wanted to include. There are quite a lot of examples, but the problem here lies on the readers: they've created this idea of "GODa", an author that had it all planned from the beginning, the master of foreshadowing, but the real Oda is just a guy making up most of his product as serialization goes on —and he's completely aware and vocal about it.
First for lucci he just talked about the shape of the character
But the cp9 thing was all planned
And for vivi he decided to put it to the baroque works to meet the straw hats only
It is not a thing to talk about at all
And oda of course planned everything from the beggining and really he is the master of foreshadowing
You say most and give examples of two very minor things in the series
And you ignore the major things that is planned from thw beginning
You are the perfect example of what I was explaining: the poor guy constantly speaks of how "manga serialization is a wonderland" because he keeps improvising and making up things he didn't plan yet, according to you, he "planned everything from the beginning" and is a master of foreshadowing. You want Oda to be better than he actually is, and even worse: better than he actually wants.
The whole plot of Water 7 and Enies Loby wasn't planned, he kept changing stuff and adding new elemments to Dressrosa as it was published, he created the Supernova some hours before the chapter release, the villain Miss Wednesday was turned into the princess of Arabasta and a crewmate, the Shichibukai weren't planned either as the story was first conceived as Luffy's quest against the emperors...
We aren't talking about two minor things but also stuff that significantly changed the whole story, and of course there are some major things he probably planned form the start (most of the crewmates, not all; the meaning of D. probably, and hopefully things like what the One Piece is and the main points of the ending), but that's probably it. One Piece as a whole is more than likely the result of Oda having a couple of vague ideas and then tons of improvisation to fill the holes, whether they are big or small.
If I recall correctly, Tarantino would follow a similar method —having one scene in mind and making up the rest from there. Oda is a fan of him and I'm pretty sure his method is the same but in the scale of a long manga, in a way that his whole "planning" consists on knowing that Franky will end up joining and then improvising the rest of the saga even while it's being published (which is, indeed, what he confirmed to do when writing Water 7 and Enies Lobby).
Not at all, Oda explicitly stated that the only events he had planned to draw before the arc started were Merry's death and Franky joining.
I don't really understand you here, but he also stated he had no intention of Miss Wednesday being a princess.
You are the perfect example of what I was explaining: the poor guy constantly speaks of how "manga serialization is a wonderland" because he keeps improvising and making up things he didn't plan yet, according to you, he "planned everything from the beginning" and is a master of foreshadowing. You want Oda to be better than he actually is, and even worse: better than he actually wants.
The whole plot of Water 7 and Enies Loby wasn't planned, he kept changing stuff and adding new elemments to Dressrosa as it was published, he created the Supernova some hours before the chapter release, the villain Miss Wednesday was turned into the princess of Arabasta and a crewmate, the Shichibukai weren't planned either as the story was first conceived as Luffy's quest against the emperors...
We aren't talking about two minor things but also stuff that significantly changed the whole story, and of course there are some major things he probably planned form the start (most of the crewmates, not all; the meaning of D. probably, and hopefully things like what the One Piece is and the main points of the ending), but that's probably it. One Piece as a whole is more than likely the result of Oda having a couple of vague ideas and then tons of improvisation to fill the holes, whether they are big or small.
If I recall correctly, Tarantino would follow a similar method —having one scene in mind and making up the rest from there. Oda is a fan of him and I'm pretty sure his method is the same but in the scale of a long manga, in a way that his whole "planning" consists on knowing that Franky will end up joining and then improvising the rest of the saga even while it's being published (which is, indeed, what he confirmed to do when writing Water 7 and Enies Lobby).
The problem is he didnt confirme that
And you have eyes to realise
Like the clowns who say thay he improvised haki although he foreshadowed it 300 chapter before
And the ryou which is foreshadowed 500 chapter before or the ebisu people which is foreshadowed 400 chapter before
You start saying things like he improvised all water 7 plot without an evidence
And for supernova i said no human being can add a thing like supernova in one day and make them fit perfectly to a big story like one piece
Oda is a genius of course but this is far beyond genius
For the warlords he had them in mind just added them
And for the poor guy thing
Lol of course there is a reason that made oda the best mangaka out there
As i said you can use your eyes
You can know what is planned and what is foreshadowed
Even the conflict of a minor character like bellami was foreshadowed 500 chapter before
So you really misunderstanding what ia going on
Just saying the word confirmed and you have no evidence
Not at all, Oda explicitly stated that the only events he had planned to draw before the arc started were Merry's death and Franky joining.
I don't really understand you here, but he also stated he had no intention of Miss Wednesday being a princess.
You are the perfect example of what I was explaining: the poor guy constantly speaks of how "manga serialization is a wonderland" because he keeps improvising and making up things he didn't plan yet, according to you, he "planned everything from the beginning" and is a master of foreshadowing. You want Oda to be better than he actually is, and even worse: better than he actually wants.
The whole plot of Water 7 and Enies Loby wasn't planned, he kept changing stuff and adding new elemments to Dressrosa as it was published, he created the Supernova some hours before the chapter release, the villain Miss Wednesday was turned into the princess of Arabasta and a crewmate, the Shichibukai weren't planned either as the story was first conceived as Luffy's quest against the emperors...
We aren't talking about two minor things but also stuff that significantly changed the whole story, and of course there are some major things he probably planned form the start (most of the crewmates, not all; the meaning of D. probably, and hopefully things like what the One Piece is and the main points of the ending), but that's probably it. One Piece as a whole is more than likely the result of Oda having a couple of vague ideas and then tons of improvisation to fill the holes, whether they are big or small.
If I recall correctly, Tarantino would follow a similar method —having one scene in mind and making up the rest from there. Oda is a fan of him and I'm pretty sure his method is the same but in the scale of a long manga, in a way that his whole "planning" consists on knowing that Franky will end up joining and then improvising the rest of the saga even while it's being published (which is, indeed, what he confirmed to do when writing Water 7 and Enies Lobby).
Not at all, Oda explicitly stated that the only events he had planned to draw before the arc started were Merry's death and Franky joining.
I don't really understand you here, but he also stated he had no intention of Miss Wednesday being a princess.
You are the perfect example of what I was explaining: the poor guy constantly speaks of how "manga serialization is a wonderland" because he keeps improvising and making up things he didn't plan yet, according to you, he "planned everything from the beginning" and is a master of foreshadowing. You want Oda to be better than he actually is, and even worse: better than he actually wants.
The whole plot of Water 7 and Enies Loby wasn't planned, he kept changing stuff and adding new elemments to Dressrosa as it was published, he created the Supernova some hours before the chapter release, the villain Miss Wednesday was turned into the princess of Arabasta and a crewmate, the Shichibukai weren't planned either as the story was first conceived as Luffy's quest against the emperors...
We aren't talking about two minor things but also stuff that significantly changed the whole story, and of course there are some major things he probably planned form the start (most of the crewmates, not all; the meaning of D. probably, and hopefully things like what the One Piece is and the main points of the ending), but that's probably it. One Piece as a whole is more than likely the result of Oda having a couple of vague ideas and then tons of improvisation to fill the holes, whether they are big or small.
If I recall correctly, Tarantino would follow a similar method —having one scene in mind and making up the rest from there. Oda is a fan of him and I'm pretty sure his method is the same but in the scale of a long manga, in a way that his whole "planning" consists on knowing that Franky will end up joining and then improvising the rest of the saga even while it's being published (which is, indeed, what he confirmed to do when writing Water 7 and Enies Lobby).
And for supernova thing
How do you explain the logo of the heart pirates and doflamingo pirates
He planned all of law story in one day
Do you believe that ?
Man Oda really dropped the ball with Haki. He didn't even need to go the Togashi route if he wanted to create new abilities for Luffy, he could've easily gone the chakra route where you introduce new concepts 300 chapters into the story
This author is trying to run a 4 hour marathon in 5 minutes, to do so you have to take short cuts and progress in unnatural ways. Oda simply added too many characters and storylines, now he has no idea how to maneuver through this mess and often just leaps past all of it in attempts to just make luffy win because well.....that's what needs to happen. Oda at this point seems like an author who has a check list of things that he wants to just x off one by one, offhanded explanation's are not enough to make us care, so...what does he do? easy, just make it hype!, "but oda luffy just got one shot 2 weeks ago" ya....cause its hype, never mind how detrimental it is to current events, "but oda if it took luffy 2 weeks to learn the basics of advanced armament how did he just use advanced kings?!"....hype!. What oda does is check off what he needs to write and improvise what's in-between, writing for young boys is.....just make it look cool, Oda himself already said it and that's what your expectations should be.
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