Current Events Official Translation: It’s Zorover

There are 2 options.

1. Zoro can end this but chooses not to.
2. Zoro can't end this like he wants to.

Zoro comes out looking bad either way.

In 1, he is endangering the crew who are trying to escape, and could have helped earlier when they needed it. He's also wasting Jimbe's time who could be fighting underwater against the fleet instead.

In 2, he's underperforming and is further from Mihawk than we thought.
There are 2 options.

1. Zoro can end this but chooses not to.
2. Zoro can't end this like he wants to.

Zoro comes out looking bad either way.

In 1, he is endangering the crew who are trying to escape, and could have helped earlier when they needed it. He's also wasting Jimbe's time who could be fighting underwater against the fleet instead.

In 2, he's underperforming and is further from Mihawk than we thought.
Na, not just zoro all of them are messing around cause of plot, only lucci giving his all to accomplish his goal. saturne and kizaru could have kill everyone by now but instead waited so nika to get up and jump to do his pose in front of bonney.
There are 2 options.

1. Zoro can end this but chooses not to.
2. Zoro can't end this like he wants to.

Zoro comes out looking bad either way.

In 1, he is endangering the crew who are trying to escape, and could have helped earlier when they needed it. He's also wasting Jimbe's time who could be fighting underwater against the fleet instead.

In 2, he's underperforming and is further from Mihawk than we thought.
Option 3: Oda writes like an ass on several occasions and is the perfect excuse to remove Zoro from the center of the plot because it is not convenient for him to have him against Kizaru and Satur
We have seen it on several occasions. Vs Hyouzou, Monet, Pica, Apoo

Why do you think it's precisely Zoro who was given the getting-lost gag?
Option 3: Oda writes like an ass on several occasions and is the perfect excuse to remove Zoro from the center of the plot because it is not convenient for him to have him against Kizaru and Satur
We have seen it on several occasions. Vs Hyouzou, Monet, Pica, Apoo

Why do you think it's precisely Zoro who was given the getting-lost gag?
yeah oda was just stalling zoro mainly so that nika can have his liberator pose moment with bonney, you will notice how after that we got an update about zoro vs lucci.
Chapters 1108, 1109, 1110 are likely dealing with Sanji, Luffy, Kizaru, Saturn, the sunny, and the robot.

We probably won't get an update and conclusion to Zoro vs Lucci until 1111.
Deep down you all know Zoro is gonna win this fight and this shit is gonna backfire so hard.
Especially for those that are making Luffy laughing comparisons, the post fight comparisons are gonna destroy them.
of course everyone knows zolo will win when the fight is over lol
nobody thinks lucci can defeat him but zorotards believed zolo could low diff him but it is already a high diff now . zorotards having to move the goal to 'at least zolo will win' is a big L for them
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